Beautiful Orchid Mantis


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Apr 5, 2012
Reaction score
Evansville, IN

Credit: Igor Siwanowicz

Thanks to Tammy Wolfe for finding the original source of the image!

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Indeed it is, when she molts to adult, hopefully it will keep the pinks, but I doubt it.

Very nice...

The pink comes and goes in adults. Seems the color shifts between ooths.

Precarious on this forum might have taken that picture or at least he took a picture similar to that one. It is beautiful.

This very image (exact imgur link) was recently given a lot of upvotes on Reddit. I'm gonna go on a limb and guess this isn't the OP's photo, my apologies if I'm mistaken!

It's generally considered bad form to post pictures here unless you took 'em, have permission from the owner, and/or give credit. We have a lot of very talented photographers here and it's not uncommon to see their pictures showing up elsewhere. Though it's neat to see their work being enjoyed by so many, it's annoying when they don't get credit!

very cool photo again, where are you finding these?
I believe my friend got it from Reddit.

I'm gonna go on a limb and guess this isn't the OP's photo, my apologies if I'm mistaken!
You're correct.

It's generally considered bad form to post pictures here unless you took 'em, have permission from the owner, and/or give credit. We have a lot of very talented photographers here and it's not uncommon to see their pictures showing up elsewhere. Though it's neat to see their work being enjoyed by so many, it's annoying when they don't get credit!
I did a TinEye search with this image -- too many results to know the original photographer. In addition, I was unaware that posting general pictures of Mantids in the Mantid Photos area was 'bad form'.
