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At the risk of making myself sound realllllllly's Terry Wogans birthday today!!! I'm sending him some idolomantis (sorry Sheldon....Terry pipped you to it! :lol: ) I know he's not officially a memeber of the forum but I thought he deserved an honourary title.....nice one Tel!

Alan :wink:

this is kinda stale mate (with most people) as i think people will give presents if they receive them themselves. bit of a vicoious circle :wink:

I wouldnt mind giving away stuff but im very new to this and dont have much at all. when i start breeding i will!

I know just didn't come together in time....I reckon it would take a few more days for people to get their act together.....say by sunday? :wink:

this is a really good idea though. We should have a chart of when peoples birthdays and and automatically send them something.


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