She's doing great, eating solid foods. if she can eat like that no need to worry about milk or anything like that. Glad she got through her ordeal, should clear up on her next molt - nothing worse than losing one if you have any chance of saving them.
Best news I've heard in awhile, congrats it must be a relief. Glad to see she pulled through.She molted to adulthood this morning! Her mouth isn't perfect but it looks like she'll be able to eat fine. She came out pretty small but that was expected.
Okay well she's doing good then. I was curious nothing more. It is strange how some seem to be the runts of the ooth, and a few are even the giants too.No, she's bigger than when she was a subadult. However even as a subadult she wasn't the biggest even though she was one of my most voracious feeders as a pre- subadult.
Sorry to hear that. Likely the damage was too much for one molt to fix, or happened too late to be repaired in time.Bad news... She can't eat solid food. I gave her a nice soft- bodied moth and she was chewing away at it for a good 15 minutes before she gave up and dropped it. I couldn't find any damage to it at all.
I guess this means I'll have to feed her soft stuff for the rest of her life.... It will be very difficult... And I'll have to be brave... It's going to take guts.