Blind Mantis ???


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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
Las Vegas
well, i mantis i thoght was totaly retarded, im thinking is blind ! like he wont eat till the fly is moving on her mouth...shes been a sub adult for almost 2 months ! Her eyes are a redish pink with a big black dot on each eye... shes really dark in color, almost black in most areas. Its as if she is really sick, like a ZOMBIE... any answers ?

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BTW: All my other mandids i rased with her have already been adults and have layd 2 oths.

well, i mantis i thoght was totaly retarded, im thinking is blind ! like he wont eat till the fly is moving on her mouth...shes been a sub adult for almost 2 months ! Her eyes are a redish pink with a big black dot on each eye... shes really dark in color, almost black in most areas. Its as if she is really sick, like a ZOMBIE... any answers ?
This sounds alot like what my chinese mantis just had! Its head seemed like it was unmoveable. The only thing that moved was its mandibles, but only a little bit, i tried puting food up to its mouth but he wouldn't eat it. His eyes were redish purplish. He was starving to death his abdomen was flat as paper so I released him into my backyard. He also had liquid coming out of its mouth when i put my hand on it. He was a little darker than the other chinese mantids he was my only male.... shoot. It sounds like your mantis is better off than mine, at least it can eat!

Are you guys feeding crickets? Because some crickets are bad for some species of mantises. One of my mantis just threw up all kinds of brown fluids and also it stinks.

Are you guys feeding crickets? Because some crickets are bad for some species of mantises. One of my mantis just threw up all kinds of brown fluids and also it stinks.
Nope ive been feeding them flys and waxworms, and the adult waxworms moths.

Are you guys feeding crickets? Because some crickets are bad for some species of mantises. One of my mantis just threw up all kinds of brown fluids and also it stinks.
It isn't the crickets, it's how people care for them. I am going to start deleting posts like this.

This sounds alot like what my chinese mantis just had! Its head seemed like it was unmoveable. The only thing that moved was its mandibles, but only a little bit, i tried puting food up to its mouth but he wouldn't eat it. His eyes were redish purplish. He was starving to death his abdomen was flat as paper so I released him into my backyard. He also had liquid coming out of its mouth when i put my hand on it. He was a little darker than the other chinese mantids he was my only male.... shoot. It sounds like your mantis is better off than mine, at least it can eat!
that was nice of u to release a blind mantis out to starve to death hopefully a bird eats him quick to put it out of its misery

One of my Chinese mantids recently molted to what I think is a subadult, L6, if I counted correctly. She decided to choose a low spot to molt from, instead of the big space I left for her. As she was hanging from the abdomen, it looked like her head touched part of the container. She was bleeding from both eyes, and has a black scab on one. Now she is easily frightened of any movement, I guess she can only see shadows or something. I have to actually let her taste the food or she will not grasp it. All 11 of my Chinese have been eating crickets for a few days, and they are fat and fine. Even my blind one seems like she will live. I do hope the next molt will improve her vision.
