Breeding question, & fogging in neighborhood


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Aug 17, 2011
Reaction score
baltimore, MD
Can different species mate with each other? I think I have a female adult chinese mantis, I found her in Maryland. She is smaller than the male though and she is much lighter and vivid green with smaller wings (the same color) with a darker single spot on each wing. Is there a different name for this type? Or does this sound like a Chinese mantis? Any help would be greatly appreciated, because i also found a female juvenile of which i believe is the same type.

Side note: I have found two Carolina mantids in this region with neurological problems. I think it has to do with fogging in the neighborhood for misquitoes. They appear healthy but are partially paralyzed. it's really sad to find them this way and I don't know if there is anything I can do to help them or if it's too late.

Thank you...


Yes, it is possible to crossbreed mantids of different species that are of the same genus but it is frowned upon in the mantis community. For example, one could possibly crossbreed creobroter pictipennis with creobroter gemmatus and get hybrid offspring but they will be very weak usually. Trying to breed two completely different species of mantis like the carolina vs. chinese mantis would probably be unsuccessful and if it were to be successful it would still be a bad idea. As far as the paralyzed carolina's, if they can still catch food then they should still be able to survive.

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If you're having trouble identifying the species of the mantid, post a picture up and I'm sure some of us will be able to help you. As for mating between different mantid species, there are previous posts that address this. You can search for those posts.

Your female does not sound like a chinese. Mantids of different species will mate with each other or at least try if given the opportunity. However, there is almost some kind of limiting factor so they either cannot mate or cannot produce viable offspring. That topic has been discussed many times here.
