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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2005
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southern us
hello, i have no idea what i am suppose to do when it comes to mating mantids thanks, in advance.


I do something a little different. I am not willing to sacrifice the male so easily. I like to get them out of their enclosures and set the male somewhere. I let him calm down and then I put the female in his sight abotu six inches away. I make sure she walks away from him. If he is interested he will attempt to mount her. You should wait at least a couple weeks after she reaches adulthood to ensure she is more receptive. I like to stand by in case she attempts to grab him. Once he is mounted and gets started I leave them alone. They are free in a closed room so when he is done he is free and clear to fly across the room and away from her.

Intervene. Just seperate them before she takes a bite. In my experience females that have only been adults for a very short time are the ones who will try to grab him as soon as he jumps on. Most males jump on with wings flapping and a lot of commotion. They sometimes jump on backwards and I assume that is in case she grabs him. That way she grabs wings and his hind end instead of his head. He will then turn around and do his thing.

It depends. Sometimes they stay connected for several hours.

I do something a little different. I am not willing to sacrifice the male so easily. I like to get them out of their enclosures and set the male somewhere. I let him calm down and then I put the female in his sight abotu six inches away. I make sure she walks away from him. If he is interested he will attempt to mount her. You should wait at least a couple weeks after she reaches adulthood to ensure she is more receptive. I like to stand by in case she attempts to grab him. Once he is mounted and gets started I leave them alone. They are free in a closed room so when he is done he is free and clear to fly across the room and away from her.
Actually this is moe riskier than what Exotic- Mantis said.

How is what Rick does more risky?

I think it's a better idea, than literally placing the male inside of the female's home turf. The female is familiar with her surroundings, whereas the male wouldn't know where to run.

By taking them both out of their home environment, and giving the male plenty of escape options, Rick improves the chances of the male's survival.

Agreed, after many heart-stopping occasions inside tanks you can certainly see the benefits of having open spaces for the pairs, I have a large house plant that serves very well.

Good luck


If the male is locked in a cage with the female and you are not nearby then the chances are good he won't make it. I get them out and wait until they are connected before walking away.

Have you breed any mantids yet, Dakota? :wink:

hello, i have no idea what i am suppose to do when it comes to mating mantids thanks, in advance.dakota
I forgot to mention something else on my previous post. Do you have a certian type of mantis in mind for breeding, Dakote? Some mantids, when it comes to mating, can be very easy :p , but some can be a challenge to breed :( .

in my eyes, I leave the pairs to mating afterwards, as what use is a male on his own? I would prevent the sacrifice before, as of course, its good to get a mate, but I then let her do how she feels afterwards. Or shal I say, let nature take its course. (Thats right isnt it?)



How is what Rick does more risky?
Because I dont see in your replies and Rick's of feeding the female at all...while Eros said feed her as much as she will eat. And there is no "better idea" we all have different ways mating mantids.

How is what Rick does more risky?
Because I dont see in your replies and Rick's of feeding the female at all...while Eros said feed her as much as she will eat. And there is no "better idea" we all have different ways mating mantids.
Dino try not to take things so personally when someone disagrees with you. We're all intitled to our own opinions on mantid rearing, and just because someone doesn't agree with you, is no reason to get punchy.

The reason I asked why you thought Rick's methods were more risky was because all you said in your post was, "Actually this is moe riskier than what Exotic- Mantis said." You didn't give any explanation as to why you felt that way, or personal experiences that have brought you to that conclusion.

When you have a differing opinion, it's polite and informative to explain why you feel differently. Otherwise, you will run the risk of coming off as argumentative and rude.

Well i had my mantises out mating out of their cage and after he was done the male jumped up into the fan..... so now i just cage them

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