Well-known member
Thank you for all who have given me time to recover and get my act together to get things going again.
Chris, I PM'd you and just got your PM, I am sending today after you confirm what the official deal is, OK? I couldn't ship due to Columbus day.
Doug has had a horrible experience and I am really sorry.
I sent Doug:
3 gravid violin
3 L3 idolo
1.1 pair of lobata adult size
my 1 male acanthops and now I have 3 virgin females!!! LOL what luck!!!
Unfortunately was wrong, once again and his area was literally above 100. Doug said everything died except for the violins and idolos, which makes sense.
I still want to send you more stuff man, just text message me on my cell and we will get something else going for you, OK man?
Thanks Orin for bringing that up! I am currently getting BACK into silk worms and horn worms on a heavy basis. Hope to bring some silk worm cocoons to this forum's plate!!!
I refund Emile thru pay pal already, weeks ago...
I am still waiting to send Terrance his ooths, he sent me 2 harpargomantis tri color ooths they never hatched by the way
and 2 other ootheca, 1 ooth hatched during transit and I sent him pictures of all the dead nymphs immediately after opening the box and finding cute little dead babies. The other 1 never hatched neither. I am STILL of course keeping my end of the trade, since I was supposed to ship out during the time frame of him shipping out to me. It has been KILLING me and soooo FRUSTRATING on obtaining ghost ootheca. As soon as I ask a person, they are sold.
I asked Yen Saw some questions regarding mantid I.D.s and I definitely understand if he did not have time to help out since it is a LONG LIST LOL!!! But anyways, the thing I want to talk about is how you, Yen, said to me... "We will talk once you send Terrance his package" This is understandable since they might be good business friends... But still, come on, after that email and the other emails I sent you, you still do not respond???
I asked Yen if he could send Terrence a box of ghost ooths after I pay for it all. This means I will have to pay for shipping TWICE. After calling Yen stubborn and complaining how he NEVER responds to additional questions thru our email exchanges UNLESS it has something to do with me giving him money. I am sorry Yen for calling you stubborn, however, I am not sorry about complaining to you about how I feel it is so rude of you to simply ignore my questions and rarely respond to my emails unless I am asking to buy something. I am extremely busy, yet I find time to write up an email. And if Terrance is your S.A. connect or best bud from S.A. I am not sure why you have not taken up that offer? I already found ghost ooths that are arriving here soon to send to him, so now I get to save on the second shipping fee!
Yen, would you please reconcile with me? I do not ask to be "chatty chatty nor personal" although I am this way with every person who I deal with, It's just in my nature to be more of a people person.
Chris, I PM'd you and just got your PM, I am sending today after you confirm what the official deal is, OK? I couldn't ship due to Columbus day.
Doug has had a horrible experience and I am really sorry.
I sent Doug:
3 gravid violin
3 L3 idolo
1.1 pair of lobata adult size
my 1 male acanthops and now I have 3 virgin females!!! LOL what luck!!!
Unfortunately was wrong, once again and his area was literally above 100. Doug said everything died except for the violins and idolos, which makes sense.
I still want to send you more stuff man, just text message me on my cell and we will get something else going for you, OK man?
Thanks Orin for bringing that up! I am currently getting BACK into silk worms and horn worms on a heavy basis. Hope to bring some silk worm cocoons to this forum's plate!!!
I refund Emile thru pay pal already, weeks ago...
I am still waiting to send Terrance his ooths, he sent me 2 harpargomantis tri color ooths they never hatched by the way
I asked Yen Saw some questions regarding mantid I.D.s and I definitely understand if he did not have time to help out since it is a LONG LIST LOL!!! But anyways, the thing I want to talk about is how you, Yen, said to me... "We will talk once you send Terrance his package" This is understandable since they might be good business friends... But still, come on, after that email and the other emails I sent you, you still do not respond???
I asked Yen if he could send Terrence a box of ghost ooths after I pay for it all. This means I will have to pay for shipping TWICE. After calling Yen stubborn and complaining how he NEVER responds to additional questions thru our email exchanges UNLESS it has something to do with me giving him money. I am sorry Yen for calling you stubborn, however, I am not sorry about complaining to you about how I feel it is so rude of you to simply ignore my questions and rarely respond to my emails unless I am asking to buy something. I am extremely busy, yet I find time to write up an email. And if Terrance is your S.A. connect or best bud from S.A. I am not sure why you have not taken up that offer? I already found ghost ooths that are arriving here soon to send to him, so now I get to save on the second shipping fee!
Yen, would you please reconcile with me? I do not ask to be "chatty chatty nor personal" although I am this way with every person who I deal with, It's just in my nature to be more of a people person.