Budwing mantids lasting a LONG time without food!


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Oct 18, 2006
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Today I was truly amazed!

I bought my first load of mantids about 8-9 months back now and even then they were L3-4. They started to get a bit poorly about 2 months back and I thought I had lost all of them... I had 2 marbled, 2 african and 2 budwings. 2 months later I still hadnt got round to clearing out the tanks - been very hectic/busy recently and I put the tanks in the garage... So after 2 months I decide its time to sort out the mess - I start clearing them out and to my suprise the two budwings were still alive!

2 months without ANY food or ANY water and these things were still alive! Not just alive but they had both moulted - one into an adult and another into a sub-adult... without any food or water for 2 months.

I rushed upstairs, doused in water and threw in some young crickets and now they are sitting on a shelf in my bedroom happily tucking in.

But 2 months! These species are certainly very hardy!

I am sorting out a new enclosure for them as we speak!

Bugs must have snuck into the containers.
Nope - 100% sealed off with a fine gauze over the top! I checked the gauze just now and it was not biten through.

They were very thin so obviously had not been eating anything...

They are starting to look plump again already! :D

2 months without ANYTHING - these things must have just more or less shut off or something!

Them being alive was suprising... but MOULTING?!! That really shocked me! Full on healthy moults as well!

hmm wow i didn't know that maybe they ate substrate? I have had budwings before and i had one male that lived 2 years and he could last a while without food.

oooo 2 years luckily i bought two budwings from DeShawn instead of Devils Flower lol but two months wow thats really interesting unless they stored food in them or something

hmm wow i didn't know that maybe they ate substrate? I have had budwings before and i had one male that lived 2 years and he could last a while without food.
I have not always had much money - these things were kept in plastic pint glasses with a couple of twigs and a sheet of cotton down the side to retain moisture. The top was covered with a material mesh secured with an elastic band. They are both males though so they have much room!

I hope to be able to get them a nicer home some time when I get some money!

But no - there was no substrate to eat and the cotton was untouched.

So weird! These species seem very hardy.

I had a situation like that with some chinese. I thought I got them all out of the container but I didn't. A few were still in there alive a month later.

Those are some insane stories you guys. 2 months? I mean, that is just crazy. I guess you had a bit of humidity in your garage as well, maybe they got some moisture out of the air. But I mean, without food? Well, maybe it was dark and they did not think or move at all. I mean, how much energy would they use if they didn't move? Still though, wow.
