Caught an African Budwing in Texas?


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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2007
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My family and I were travelling from Oklahoma City to New Mexico today to see family over the weekend. We stopped at a rest stop in Texas..about half way between the Oklahoma border and Amarillo, TX. My daughter and I always go on a Bug Safari when we are out like this. I was shocked...and pleasantly suprised to find find this mantis just hanging out on a wall at the rest stop. It looks like an African Budwing to me. She is smaller than the ones I have at home...maybe the Affins Sp.? Anyway, here are some pics of her because I, of course, decided to keep her. I'd love to know the story of how she ended up at a rest stop in the middle of Texas. I looked around for a few minutes to see if I could find traces of any more. No luck :-(




I might be wrong, but it looks like you caught a very gravid Stegmomantis sp. Let me know if your trip brings you near Rio Rancho. I'de be happy to compare her to mine.

Yes, it is possible that you might find a bud-wing in Texas. Just not likely. We mantid keepers aren't careless with are bugs!! ;)

She does have fully developed wings...though they are "Bud" wings. I was not aware of any North American Species that had budwings. Can anyone else chime in on this and help identify?

By the Way Hypoponera...I'm staying with my inlaws in Edgewood...other side of Albuquerque from you.

I might be wrong, but it looks like you caught a very gravid Stagmomantis sp. Let me know if your trip brings you near Rio Rancho. I'de be happy to compare her to mine. Yes, it is possible that you might find a bud-wing in Texas. Just not likely. We mantid keepers aren't careless with are bugs!! ;)
Fixed. :lol:

Stagomantis Limbata it is I think. After looking on the internet tonite, Im pretty sure that is what she is. She REALLY looks like the budwings I have at home though. Even the colors are similar. She does not have the dark bands inside of her "raptors" though.

S. limbata is highly variable in terms of color and markings. I have some that are a uniform bright green, some are tan, some are both. One female is light tan with a hint of pink. Some have stripes on the outside of the forelimbs while others do not. I have been told by a reliable source that some can even be found in such a dark brown that they appear to be black!
That doesn't look like any S. limbata I've ever seen. :huh:

Maybe its just an S. carolina?

If you could take clearer photos, we might be able to help you better. Or, maybe you can compare it to photos on this page of my site (I just fixed the link to the S. limbata page, by the way).

Bugs In Cyberspace Mantids

I've kept 4 of the 6 US Stagmomantis spp.

And what did I tell you guys about rest stops? Best places to find bugs!


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It looks like the Carolina. I have kept both species in the past, and I would probably cancel out Limbata.Carolina are ususally brown as well, aren't they?
They are brown, a cream color, almost black, and green.

Pak it appears to be s. carolina. I have limbata and carolina right now and it looks most like the carolina.

She laid an ooth last night. Ill post some pics later today. Will I need to diapause this oothe for it to hatch?

Congrates on the ooth!! My female STILL hasn't dropped one yet. She's fat and been mated 3 times but still nothing. Oh, well.

No, your ooth will not need a diapause. You can halt development and delay hatching with the fridge for a few months. Otherwise, the ooth should hatch just fine in the standard 4-6 weeks at "room temp".
