Cave crickets


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I cannot believe I dreamed about these crickets, I was stuck in a supermarket overnight (don't know why) and the crickets were all over, there was a big one about 3 " long and I was trying to catch it for my mantis and every time I tried to put a lid over it, it turned into a frog
<_< ...Oooookay!

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I'd have to agree that these things are pretty nasty. I'm not really bothered much by any inverts, but there are a few that get to me. I'm really glad to say that we have no cave crickets in our basement! We do occasionally get something even worse in the summer, though. Have you seen those incredibly disgusting grayish centipedes that are somewhat transparent, have really long legs, and move unnaturally fast? Those things do nothing short of freak me out, especially when you wake up with one crawling across your neck!! :wacko:



:eek: Oh Dear God, save me from the thousand leggers! I cannot bear to even read about them, and silverfish are right under them, I must go find a bubble to hide in....... :angry: please no more
Check that tub first. One time one came out from under the bath mat in my kids bathroom when we were getting her bath ready. She still remembers, and makes me check every bath time. :unsure:

:lol: Isn't it funny how some insects we actually pay good money for and willingly handle, feed, take care of, and enjoy having. Some kids don't even have their own room in the house, but my mantids do! :rolleyes: Yet some other bugs send us screaming and running away to find a shoe, some insect spray, or Rebecca's bubble (let me in there with you!). Maybe it has something to do with the legs (theirs, not ours!) :p
:lol: Isn't it funny how some insects we actually pay good money for and willingly handle, feed, take care of, and enjoy having. Some kids don't even have their own room in the house, but my mantids do! :rolleyes: Yet some other bugs send us screaming and running away to find a shoe, some insect spray, or Rebecca's bubble (let me in there with you!). Maybe it has something to do with the legs (theirs, not ours!) :p
I was thinking the same thing. How can we find some inverts so vile, and others so fascinating? I guess the same would apply to about any group of animal. For example, I'm not a big fan of rats, yet I like other mammals. Yet there seems to be a certain stigma to those creatures that have an exoskeleton. I know many people that group all inverts together and hate them all. It's funny seeing someone totally grossed out by a mantis! :rolleyes: How could a mantis freak you out?!

They are always in the tub :angry: especialy porcelin ones. Mine have long tail and arrows on the end. I am not happy about them, when the day comes I can stand a thousand legger, send me to the Funny Farm, cause I have done gone batty! (making sign of the cross) and I am no Catholic! More signs for this next story.... One morning I picked up the washcloth I had on the sink I washed my face with the night before, and (I don't know why I did it , I just did) I went to wipe my face again and I smashed a thousand legger on my eyelid...............whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, still makes me shiver, even to this day, nothing like trying to count a smashed bugs legs to see if u got them all :eek: . I never wash my face in the morning, I always take a shower, so I dont know what I was doing that day. But it will never happen again, rest assured it won't. Oh yea and under my bed I have glue traps, course I told this story before, and on the glue traps, are some horrible things, thousand leggers... ha ha u didn't get me... and beetles, and spiders, and a couple ants and more spiders and pill bugs and :mellow: I think I will sleep standing up from now on.

Sorry, everyone that I don't have that pic of a cave cricket up yet. I have just gotten a Mac and I'm still not used to it yet. My girlfriend is also not so used to it yet either. But if you really want to see them there are some good pics of them on wikkipedia.

Sorry, everyone that I don't have that pic of a cave cricket up yet. I have just gotten a Mac and I'm still not used to it yet. My girlfriend is also not so used to it yet either. But if you really want to see them there are some good pics of them on wikkipedia.
I've had a mac for over a year now and I'm very satisfied. I haven't had a single problem with it yet and I use it for so much more than I could've done with windows. I still have a PC because there are several programs I need to use that don't come in a Mac version, but it's hardly used anymore. I'm into making my own music, and this Mac is great when it comes to recording/production. Also, if you are into photo/video editing you'll really enjoy it!

Oh, I love it. I'm just not real good with computers. My girlfriend is, she just doesn't have that much experience with macs. I'm feeling like my dad when he tries to us his dvd payer :p I'm having problems reducing the size of the images. Oh well I'll figure it out after I teach the old man how to use the dvd player. ;)

Oh, I love it. I'm just not real good with computers. My girlfriend is, she just doesn't have that much experience with macs. I'm feeling like my dad when he tries to us his dvd payer :p I'm having problems reducing the size of the images. Oh well I'll figure it out after I teach the old man how to use the dvd player. ;)
I don't know what file format you're using, but you might want to store the pix on a Mac photo organizer like iPhoto. They will automatically be stored as JPEG (.jpg NOT .jpeg; they won't transfer to a Windows OS.) files, which are very manageable in terms of size. You should be able to upload from there, too. BTW, my favorite free PC photo file service, Google's Picasa should be available for the Mac in the new year if Google doesn't delay it again.

Good luck


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