Centipede ID please?


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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2012
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I went out today (Melbourne Australia) and dug up a milk thistle covered in aphids to feed my snake mantids and under the roots I found this centipede. I grabbed it out with my trowel and put it in a bucket. Does anyone know what species this is, and any tips on what to feed it and how to house it?

If you need any more pictures or info to ID it let me know and I'll put some more up today at some point. Also is this a poisonous species/will the bite hurt or can I handle it?





Scolopendra subspinipes. Indeed they can be deadly. They are the only centipede with a death attributed to it. They are also the largest centipede that is found in other places besides its home, which is Vietnam. It is found in Hawaii, Australia, and other places in the Pacific area.

Cool pede man, did you buy it or find it? I have no idea if I am treating mine right because it is always buried in the soil. But the crickets are disappearing and he is still alive when I dig to find him, so it must be alright.

Cool pede man, did you buy it or find it? I have no idea if I am treating mine right because it is always buried in the soil. But the crickets are disappearing and he is still alive when I dig to find him, so it must be alright.
I found him outside. The way I care for mine is: pack down the soil so he won't go in it, and put a little moss for him to hide under. I just put in a fresh killed pinhead cricket, and whenever he gets hungry, he eats it. All that's left is usually a leg or 2 .

Ah cool advice man, I'll compact his soil a bit more then and get some stuff for him to hide under.

Ah cool advice man, I'll compact his soil a bit more then and get some stuff for him to hide under.
You should also mist the centipede lightly every day. If they are moist enough, that should somewhat discourage them from burrowing. Mine does still kind of (try to) burrow. P.S. How big is your centipede? Mine is like 2".

Scolopendra subspinipes. Indeed they can be deadly. They are the only centipede with a death attributed to it.
The only documented death involved a secondary infection which a person could die from following any cut, your information is misguided at best. From a look at that photo that animal probably has round spiracles and isn't very closely related even to the genus Scolopendra, let alone species.
I seen a video of a 10 inch centipede vs a snake and it owned the snake and another one of another centipede vs a mantis but the mantis was way out matched!

Thats gross... are all centipedes are venomous? Because I got bit by one and I just got the flu. Not sure whether it wasfrom the Centipede though.

Thats gross... are all centipedes are venomous? Because I got bit by one and I just got the flu. Not sure whether it wasfrom the Centipede though.
Don't worry, centipedes don't carry the flu.