Charoozz's Mantis Collection


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Gratz on the molts! That orchid is a girl. I hope you can breed your spinys. They are hard! 

- MantisGirl13

The female spiny was getting restless last night so I added in a bunch of sticks, and was rewarded to her laying this morning. It's not fertile but still very exciting for me to see her lay her first ooth :)  


I am going to give her a few days to recover, eat and hydrate and hope to make a match this Saturday (please do you magic Mantis gods and make my male not scare of my female)

@hysteresis I have been putting him in a nice cozy sauna for the past week. Jk, but yes I have raised the temp up for him to 85-90 during the day. Maybe he is just taking his time to hit sexual maturity

Well I don't know how my spiny breeding is going to be...the male has been on the female for over 24 hours and he dismounted this morning. I did not see a connection so I cannot be sure it ever happened.

An update on my Parablepharis, they both molted to adult on the same day! Sadly the female mismolted and one of her legs is bent awkwardly, she seems fine otherwise:



And the male, which reminds me of how Deroplatys males look like:


I will get better pictures in a few days, I didn't want to disturb them too much especially since they just molted. 

Congrats on the molts! That’s awesome they molted on the same day. I hope the female’s still up to breeding! 

And fingers crossed for the spinys 🤞 

@River Dane yes! Before I left for work in the morning I saw the female molting out so I ask my Roommate to send me a picture, he sends me a picture of the male and I was like that's the other one!!  :lol: . So far the female seems to be doing okay, having a little bit of trouble climbing but otherwise she is active. I really hope I can breed them but there is barely any info on them so I am just trying to do this in the dark. 

Update: Success! I finally saw a connection, it took all night but the male finally got it together and connected. Thank you @MantisGirl13 for the tip! I kept blowing gently at the male to motivate him to connect.

They only stay like this for about 30mins though is that long enough? He dismounted this morning so I took him out to give him food and water.

Sorry about the blurry picture but I didn't want to disturb them too much:


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Parablepharis, that’s something you don’t see to oftennin the hobby, do you plan on pairing them? They look like Phyllocrania and blepharopsis mashed together...

It's been a busy week so I haven't been on this forum much, but here's an update!

The female spiny laid a really long ooth! Fingers crossed it is fertile:



The female thistle molted to sub adult? I thought it was already a sub but I guess it was presub but now I can clearly see her wingbuds:


My first eremiaphila to mature to adult, sadly I think all I have are males atm, but they are still beautiful:


Either I have amazing luck or it must be something in husbandry I am doing, but all the female ghost mantis I got are in shades of green:



This is my only girl who is somewhat brown


And then this one who always lays flat and pretends to be dead like this when I open the container :D :


Epaphrodita musarum are about L4 now:


Unfortunately my female Budwing decided to not molt on her lid and loss one of her legs, so now she will be known as Ms.Peg Legs

But even with three legs she still has some gorgeous colors:



The T. Elegans are finally big enough for me to get a picture:


And finally the H. Venosas are getting big :)  here's a male:


Wow! Lots of updates! Congrats on the spiny ooth! Tell my female not to lay tiny ones!! Congrats on all the molts. Your female Giant Kenya Budwing is beautiful!

- MantisGirl13
