Chinese ooth #2


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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
Reaction score
Independence, Missouri, USA
So the second ooth hatched today, about 2 weeks after the first I though it was a dud so I left it outside in the deli container for more natural humidity. I came home from work today and there were hundreds!

actually probably just a 100, the sad part was it looked like they all fried coming out of the ooth. There were many on the inside dead, all over the bottom, and lots more on the sides and top. But a large cluster looked as if they were hatching, got stuck and then fried instantly. stiff, brown, and dry. However there were alive ones stuck in the dead ones.

So I know you're prob not supposed to help them out but I did. I got tweezers and seperated the dead from live, however all the lives ones still have gunk on their hind legs attaching them. I have them in separate containers. Like container #1 for fine, #2 for gunk on back legs, and #3 for alive but disfigured.

So what should I do? remove gunk from hind legs? leave them alone? let some outside? I'm worried it's so hot outside that they'll bake...

Sorry for the novel, but thanks for reading :)
