That’s so exciting! Congratulations! Giant Asians are pretty hardy so I wouldn’t be too paranoid about the conditions... keep just above room temp, spray every other day or so, feed the same frequency as misting. Since there is such a giant hatch with this species be sure to expect a large death count... not much you can do about it.
For the very small nymphs you can try 2-5 oz little sauce cups that you can buy from a local supermarket. You can use no lids and put some fabric like Tulle on top with a rubber band securing it(a little dangerous), cut part of the lid open so it has got a lot of ventilation and then close the lid down on a piece of fabric like tulle(so that the fabric is tight underneath the lid for the mantis to hang on)(this is my recommended way), or glue fabric like Tulle on the lid for the mantis to hang on but make sure you have plenty of air holes.
Best of luck! I know I’m not great at explaining things so please follow up with any questions you have. And keep us updated!
Merry Christmas!