Collecting ooths


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Feb 10, 2010
Reaction score
Central Florida
Does anyone have any advice for finding ooths (besides the obvious look) or a link to any posted topic?I used the search function of this site and could not fing anything. I live in Central Florida and have seen tons of bark mantis but no ooths. Thanks

Look in the same places. I would look in the fall. Thats when most mantids are laying ooths. Bark mantid ooths will be harder to find than say a chinese mantis. Areas that are weedy and full of feeder insects like grasshoppers generally contain mantids. And where you find mantids you find ooths. I would think right now would be a good time to look for ooths. It is around here. There are a few picture threads on here showing ooths in the wild.

I have found 20+ bark ooths in the wild but all are old and hatched but 1...... You would have better luck just getting some adult females B) .

This summer I will most certainly collect some bark mantids. I see a lot of them and have collected and bred them before. I have just never found an ooth in the wild from them.

I went looking for local mantis ooths yesterday in my girlfriends parents back yard, they have a realy nice garden and variety of flowers and plants that attract lots of cool bugs. Well anyways last year I remember her mom saying that she had a little nymph that would sit on a branch and watch her while she would work in the garden so I had the bright idea to look around for some ooths and it only took me 10 min to find 6 of them 4 of them had already hatched out but there were still two that have not and I bet there were more if I kept looking I took one of the ooths home to try my luck at hatcin it once it does I'll return them to the garden. I was very surprised at how easy it was for me to find them but I have really good eyes lol.

I went looking for local mantis ooths yesterday in my girlfriends parents back yard, they have a realy nice garden and variety of flowers and plants that attract lots of cool bugs. Well anyways last year I remember her mom saying that she had a little nymph that would sit on a branch and watch her while she would work in the garden so I had the bright idea to look around for some ooths and it only took me 10 min to find 6 of them 4 of them had already hatched out but there were still two that have not and I bet there were more if I kept looking I took one of the ooths home to try my luck at hatcin it once it does I'll return them to the garden. I was very surprised at how easy it was for me to find them but I have really good eyes lol.
They are easy to find if you know where to look.
