Colour developing before moult?


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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2020
Reaction score
I have a subadult Spiny who has been in this stage for 7 weeks now and is probably very near shedding. I was always under the impression that mantids lost some colour before their moults, but in this instance his wing buds seem to have actually developed some green colouration:


(^ Todays image)


(^ About a week ago)

Also, my male violin adult flew for the first time today and then proceeded to threat display me. The prize for reaching the bottom of this post is a link to see his deimatic display!

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Yup, your boy should molt today or tomorrow. Leave him alone and make sure he has a good place to molt. 

Wing buds develop color right before the molt because it means that the wings inside are developing enough color to show through the exoskeleton.

- MantisGirl13

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Yup, your boy should molt today or tomorrow. Leave him alone and make sure he has a good place to molt. 

Wing buds develop color right before the molt because it means that the wings inside are developing enough color to show through the exoskeleton.

- MantisGirl13
Amazing, thank you! He nibbled on some pollen dust while I had him out when I was taking the photo, but I shall leave him alone now!

They will also become lethargic right before they molt, so if you’re worried that he’s looking weak, then he’ll molt really soon.

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