Communal Mantids


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Madem Mantis

Jul 29, 2019
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Are Texas Unicorn Mantids (Phyllovates Chlorophaea) communal??

Was trying to find a list of Communal Mantids and couldn’t find a set list.

I know 

- Violins (gongylus gongylodes)

- Cat eye (heterochaeta orientalis)

- Orchids and some Ghosts can be...

Are there any others?

Orchids are NOT communal. Texicorns are supposedly communal, but if you don’t have many I wouldn’t risk it.

- MantisGirl13 

Thanks Synapze! That link helps!

Thanks mantisgirl13! I’ve only had 1 orchid. I was led to believe communal, thank you for correcting me!

Yen advised me to separate my orchid hatches same-day. I did so. 

I think if hungry enough, any species individual will cannibalize. 

I might even think a communal species individual flailing desperately in mismolt would trigger prey aggression from its sibling. 

I only have seven Idolomantis nymphs and I dont dare lose one, so they're not kept communally.

Whereas my i2 gongys are all happy together. Some did mismolt, so there are corpses, but I see nothing that would indicate cannibalism. 

Idolos are not communal. More like opportunistic cannibals. I keep thinking they are but I have never experienced it and I still try. Stupid me.

Popa Spurcas I think are communalish.

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