communal mantises


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Probably all Empusidae (spelling?) are communal, however this doesn't mean they won't each other when they are hungry :( My ghosts are cannibals.....

i've seen photo's of groups of idolomantis sharing the same cage. i think they are Empusidae.

I have kept Brunneria Borealis adults together in a large group before and did not see them eating each other.


Communal species does not mean they won't eat each other, just less likely. I lost some ghost mantis eventhough plenty of food was provided. But violin mantis is the "most" communal species as far as i know.

if you wanted to keep a small community of either violin or ghost say for example 5 what size enclosure would be good

at the moment i have a spare 1 foot square terrarium that i used to have my african mantis in, but i dont know if this would be ok or if i should aim more for a 2 foot fishtank style home for them

and nice pic yen plenty of em in there and there BIG

as mentioned above my 1 foot square home i had my african in was one of these

i've also always thought this was a great home for my mantis


1 foot square is only big enough to hold one adult mantis, I guess you could squeeze 2 or 3 ghosts in but the cramped conditions may increase the chances of cannibalism.


deanola any chance of a pic of you setup with mantids?

and anyone else with communities can you post something showing your setup rather than the usual up close of the actualmantids?


i will try at some point over the weekend, i've got to try and get my digicam up and running again!!! havent used it for ages!!


Hello ALl,


I had kept Orchids,ghost,Idolomantis,Idolomorpha,M paykulli communal with always plenty of food until they turned L4.

with the exception of Idolomorpha and ghost

I have also seen pics of Idolomantis in communal thanks, just like Insektus used to keep them.


also for those who keep communities do you end up keeping two communities when the males and females start to show a size difference or do the communal species tend not to have much in the way of size difference

Jwonni Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 3:34 am Post subject: also for those who keep communities do you end up keeping two communities when the males and females start to show a size difference or do the communal species tend not to have much in the way of size difference
Yes i would, especially for the species when female becomes larger than the male around L4-L5. Such as P. Agrionina. For mantis, anything that is smaller than their own body size is always considered a food source!
