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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2016
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My L5 mantis (mister mantis) tendora sinises has been exhibiting weird behavior he has been climbing like usual no problems there but when he is just like you know sitting or clinging I guess to where ever he is (his enclosure is mesh) his Raptor arms will be extended in front of him and it looks weird like he's dead (I thought he was) I will try to show a picture later as I am not home rn please help im scared he will actually be dead soon and he is my prized possession 

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If you are meaning the raptor arms, I have a mantis that does that all the time. Am used to seeing that one now so not as concerned at I was at first.

Thank you so much I was worried Mr m is my favorite pet tbh he's more of a friend lol yes I do mean his raptor arms any idea why he does this? @Zeppy44

Really not sure why. None of my others do this. I am waiting till it gets larger to determine what variety it is. None of the ghosts do this nor my other two unknowns.

@Lalaland Is your mantid doing the pose as in the photo of this thread?

If yes, it is normal and some species do it much more than others (read the posts). ;)

He is merely practicing his yoga. That is the twig position. :p

Mantises will sometimes flatten themselves out that way to better blend in with surround twigs/vegetation. He is merely saying, nothing to see here I am but a simple twig, no need to chew on me I taste terrible. Sometimes they will drop into the position as a stress response when they sense something approaching. Other times though some just seem to like to stretch out into the position and chill out for a bit. Some species/individuals are more prone to doing this than others.

Edit: CosbyArt beat me. I type too slow.

That was a very great post because he was doing WVERYTHING mention on that thread lol he's quite the prankster. @CosbyArt
Glad to see that was it. ;) Indeed nothing to worry about and is just a behavior of some individuals trying to blend in with their surroundings more. :)

He usually hangs out on the side by his lamp His enclosure is a black mesh pop up I don't know who he thinks he's fooling 

:p  @CosbyArt
Just himself, although he thinks he is doing a good job fooling everyone as he hasn't been attacked by anything. ;)

When I play music and feed him honey I get to see the wind dance he's the best!
Sounds like quite the character, and the dance is a great sight to see. I rank it right up there with the various mantid Boxer species and their mating arm waving (that can go on for quite awhile). :D

Just himself, although he thinks he is doing a good job fooling everyone as he hasn't been attacked by anything. ;)

Sounds like quite the character, and the dance is a great sight to see. I rank it right up there with the various mantid Boxer species and their mating arm waving (that can go on for quite awhile). :D
I'm a fan of their row boat walk myself. The boxer mantises often remind me of geishas only with claws instead of fans. Actually I vote we rename them because boxing is the last thing I think of when looking at their intricate claw displays.
