Confession: Haven't seen a WILD mantid since the 90's


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Hmm..found a green anole like lizard but it got away. First time I have seen a lizard like that. Snakes, lizards, squirrels and other animals that are very common here are very rare where I lived Deajon, South Korea. I have seen squirrels twice there. Once I saw one in a tree (it was black and puffy with puffy ears, Cute!) and another time in a mountain two that looked the same as the other one. The only furry animals that are common around the city are rats and cats. I am going out again. LOL! I might catch that blue tail skink that is around here.

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I find about one a week, outside my office, on my back patio going after moths congregating at the porch light, on potted plants at friend's and neighbor's houses. Not sure on the species, from my research, looks like either Stagmomantis californica or Stagmomantis limbata.

Thanks for the plug Agent A,

For the past three years now, I've only found a couple of S. limbata in norther California, and they've always been female. This was my first time keeping one and having it reach adulthood, so I was pretty eager to breed her. Guess I'll try again next year (or by ooths from someone).

Regarding the topic though, I haven't really seen large changes, I mean it's always M. religiosa fest where I lived in California and in Nevada, it's Iris oratoria everywhere with a splish splash of L. minor and M. religiosa.

They are really rare, thats more evident from this post than anything, thats for sure! Do they only come out in Summertime? (Even then I haven't seen them since...well, a long time ago)

They are really rare, thats more evident from this post than anything, thats for sure! Do they only come out in Summertime? (Even then I haven't seen them since...well, a long time ago)
Mantids in the United States? Here there are pretty common...
I've never seen a european or any stagmo on long island. Can carolinas be traced up to long island? Could they be released her?

I think I have seen fewer this year than last but I introduce them in my garden. Still, both Chinese and Carolina are pretty prolific here in TN.

This is an old story. It's true or false in certain areas due to population and habitat changes but overall I think people stop looking like they used to.

Development, pesticides and fertilizers claims victims and I saw few in Atlanta but overall where I live in rural west TN now they are everywhere. We have stick bugs everywhere as well.

When I lived in northern Illinois I only saw 2 my whole life. Now I live way down south in Illinois. It's dropping down to the upper 30° at night so I think its too cold for them now. I plan on hatching and releasing a lot into the wild next spring.

...........In South Korea it is different. I always find a mantis in certain places which I call good places because they have many grasshoppers, crickets, roaches and mantids and many other things! But a few kinds of crickets do not live in those type of places. The grass around here grows in little patches and so is not very thick.
Are they Gangnam Style mantids? ;)

Normally, I see NO mantises in my local area. This year I've found 6! I wonder if I the dry summer was somehow good for breeding?
