Could Parasphendale affinis function as a beginner species?


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New member
Jun 18, 2006
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I'm new to mantids, and I'm thinking about purchasing one; perhaps a Parasphendale affinis.

Now, could this be a good beginner species?

Also, I've heard that it is quite hard to breed because of the size difference between the sexes and I would like to try breeding these. How much of a problem could this pose?

And, finally: I've read they are ferocious feeders, so how much could I expect to feed my mantis/week?

Thanks in advance.

i have Parasphendale agriona . the females very active while the male just hangs about alot , the female can also be quite nasty ( has taken a swipe at my fingers and water droplets plenty of times ) but overall there a nice species to have . my 1st mantis was a Polyspilota female . now thats what you call a vicous mantis . tried to escape many times and took on everything i put in there and won . she lived very happily untill her final moult where she fell ! i would say its fine to keep this species 1st , i think breeders and experts think that newbie mantid keepers should keep away with mantids that need specialized feeding and humity and temp . but you wont have that with Parasphendale . eat anything and moult fine. just be careful not to let her appitite fool you . there very greedy and might burst from over indulging themselfs . thats the only concern ! but if you monitor this . easy as pie ! good luck


Yeah, that about overfeeding is what I've heard as well.

Is it possible to give an approximation of how much they eat?

they'll eat as much as you give them . so if they look full . dont put the extra cricket in there . wait for there abdomen to empty !


lol i had a male P. argonina (the dumbest mantis ever :lol: ) He lived 1 and a half years :lol: He did nothing I was scared he would never die :lol:

he would eat one time he ate 8 crix :lol: and didn't eat for like a week he would sit there all the time and stare :lol:

:lol: and he seriously lived for 1 and a half years !!!! maybe thats why he lived so long . he forgot to die ! did you hatch him yourself ?


:lol: I didn't hatch him i bought him a while back from Deshawn (L1 when i got him) I got 2 others with him but one died (i don't know how) and another died when i misted. And the stupid one survived :lol: always happens to me and i always get male mantids but almost never and females all my females die on me :?
P.S. the other old one lived 1year and a half the other to died at a young age but the weird old one lived to adult and never died :lol: until a few months ago :lol:


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