Creating the mantis keepers of tomorrow


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I just started this back up last weeks. This time with a Spiny Flower Mantis. I have a couple photos but I haven't had a chance to up load them yet. But yes, I'll have plenty more drawings soon :)

These are 4-5 years olds so I just pick my most calm bugs that tolerate being held and will stay on a perch if left on a table. That pretty much describes most of my collection right now, but I definitely wouldn't have brought in a Giant Shield mantis or a Limbata because they have a more aggressive disposition. Also it helps for it to looks different from the typical green ones they've seen.

I am bringing a native species in to pre school up to k soon for their class pet. My granddaughter told the teacher abt my mantids and they requested one, lol. I of course will come in and take care of it in the classroom.

I used to bring them into school once a year but other kids started thinking that im a weird.

Sorry guys I forgot to upload the new school year's photo's while I was at work today, but I did find an awesome (non-mantis) picture on the ground this morning...

I've given it the title "The Characters of Pacman Battle Depression"
