Cryptics Mating


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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Today i made my first attempt at breeding my Cryptic mantids. The male took a full hour to creep the 9 inches he had to cover to reach her.

Once he made it there he still had a ways to go...






Then he decided to wait there for the next 10 hours


But finally ...


They've been attached for nearly an hour and a half now

Sounds like my Marbleds except your male knows what he's doing. Do you have a community going? separate by sex maybe? or do you keep them all separate? And I'm guessing the males are in a different room than the females.

I only seperated the 1 adult male after he tried to eat the female while she was sub. I live in a small studio apartment though so it's not really an option to put him in a different room

An hour to creep 9 inchs!?!? And I thought my male Ghostie was frustrating. Haha

Anyway, congrats B! Hopefully they mate more and you get a buncha Ooths! :)

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very skittish guys, my male when i had them only mated with 1 female once, took 5 attempts to get them to connect and they connected for less than 2 hours but he got the job done and i had 30 nymphs hatch abt 5 weeks later :D

Well today has been a big day for me, I found a pretiosa ooth on this lady's mesh in her tank..

It's sooooo tiny! Although I'm not sure what I was expecting from such a small species.

She mated 3 times so I think the odds are pretty good for fertility.

I'll try to get a pick tomorrow.

Seems normal size U will be surprised at the size and quantity of the nymphs that can come out of these things, its quite amazing :lol:
thats how I felt with my odontos too. watching so many come out of such a small ooth I still have no idea how they all fit in there. I hope my Cryptics hatch soon
