Cup O Mantis!


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Why don't you just email the seller? This is what you need to do. Mist the ooth/cup every few days. Keep at room temp, and in 4 to 8 weeks it should hatch. Enjoy! :)

Leave em at room temp and mist every few days like Ismart said and soon u will have little babies all over the place!

Leave em at room temp and mist every few days like Ismart said and soon u will have little babies all over the place!
I have a chinese and religiosa should I keep them at the same temp? And for this they are on my cages hood for warmth (lizards). BEfore they were packaged were the ooths frozen?!?

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They do not need extra warmth, they are handled the same way for both species, and the ooths were not frozen, just in fridge.

If you leave your ooths on top of cages, make sure to keep them misted, you do not want them to dry out.
