curly hair moult


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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2011
Reaction score
Malta, Europe
so my curly just moulted :clap: long should I wait before I offer her food? (dunno what moult she's under 5cm I'm guessing)

Did she did tunnels? My little B. albos have both created a crazy tunnel system in their enclosure and when they are going to molt then they just seal themselves up underground and do their thing. When they were ready to eat again they would just dig back out :lol: !

If yours did not do this then I would probably wait around a week or longer. This is a very delicate time for a T so don't try and rush her into eating.

is it like some whiteish stuff? I was thinking its cricket guts heh

think i miscalculated the moult, she's still munching beanweavils..

she took a couple of weavils after 3 that bad? and she has some bug water and misting for drinking
