Cute little visitor drops in


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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2012
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Princeton, NJ
Is this really for ME?

This cute little Phidippus audax jumping spider rode down a tether onto my desk this afternoon.

Her shriveled abdomen indicated she was very hungry.

So I offered her a juicy mini cricket, which she pounced on immediately. She's now plump and happy - resting on one of my computer speakers.


Gosh... I still haven't learned to check heading (Forum)(Thread) before reading post!

Spiders....ewww.. Still trying to evolve... trying...

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Great image :D

Not sure myself if I would have tried feeding or flatting the spider first. Keeping a mantid and crickets are making me rethink small creatures though.

Guys and Girls ---- I have been a severe arachnophobic my whole life.

This summer I was visited by several jumpers. Being a photographer and seeing some of the knockout images of these guys online --- I decided to capture two and learn more about them. Keep in mind they're tiny. This immature female (above, with cricket) is all of 5mm long.

Keeping the two spiders (Cleopatra and Neith) has taught me a lot about their behavior and habits. It has also taught me a tolerance for larger species. I can even get fairly close to the most horrid Autumn orb weaver monsters. I've attached a picture I took on Spider Bridge in Princeton, NJ about 6 weeks ago. These are some of the largest beasts I've ever seen in the orb-weaver family. (Yes, I know there are larger). I still would scream like a school girl if one of these was walking across my shoulder. But the jumpers are really different. This little girl (above with cricket) returned again tonight to the exact spot where we first met and I gave her a mini-cricket meal. So she got another hand-fed snack tonight. I've given her the name Thumper. The picture of the monster below was taken with a 50mm lens while leaning way over the bridge to within a foot or so of this lady.


Keeping the two spiders (Cleopatra and Neith) has taught me a lot about their behavior and habits. It has also taught me a tolerance for larger species. I can even get fairly close to the most horrid Autumn orb weaver monsters. I've attached a picture I took on Spider Bridge in Princeton, NJ about 6 weeks ago. These are some of the largest beasts I've ever seen in the orb-weaver family. (Yes, I know there are larger). I still would scream like a school girl if one of these was walking across my shoulder. But the jumpers are really different. This little girl (above with cricket) returned again tonight to the exact spot where we first met and I gave her a mini-cricket meal. So she got another hand-fed snack tonight. I've given her the name Thumper. The picture of the monster below was taken with a 50mm lens while leaning way over the bridge to within a foot or so of this lady.

Thumper sounds like she might become a free-range pet, sounds cute. :D

Ha, having one walk across your shoulder - the reason my first thought might be to squish it. Living out in the country as a kid, we sure had our share of insect visitors (especially as we slept it seemed). Woke-up many times with more than a few spider bites that burned and itched, and of course became infected from itching the bites.

The most common in my area were the so called Wolf Spiders (Hogna carolinensis (Carolina Wolf Spider)), and some were rather huge - like this one on Wikipedia.

Although I'm not a spider hater - if it's outside I will leave them be, and more often then not, if the web doesn't show recent catches I'll find it something to eat. I'll often carefully drop/trap moths, flies, crickets, small grasshoppers, etc. in their webs/tunnels near my sidewalk and backdoor. I like to keep them around to catch bugs before they have a chance to get inside. :)

A quick look at this Indiana spider list, and I can safely say there are only very few I'm not sure if I have seen before. I remember as a kid my favorite was the Dolomedes triton (Six-spotted Fishing Spider), as they skid around the creeks surface.

ok...I am out... Nice story Digger ...but don't think me and any spider are ever going to get friendly... But you guy go ahead.... enjoy your feedings... LOL

Thats awesome! Especially that you fed the little gal and now shes back for more

Jumping spiders are awesome !! I'd like to keep one if I could find them more often.

The only way to not be afraid of spiders or the like is to keep one... or 20 ...

Jumping spiders are awesome !! I'd like to keep one if I could find them more often.

The only way to not be afraid of spiders or the like is to keep one... or 20 ...
I've been looking up spiders myself, and been thinking about a trapdoor spider -- very interesting and colorful species. It however, is a definite no touch pet, and no way my wife would allow it though. :D

I like the jumpers too. I am keeping an as yet to be determine species of wolf spider that was chillin on the door frame in the hallway. My girlfriend keeps threatening to free it outside. I want to keep it at least till it molts and regrows a rear leg completely. It's body is about 1/2 inch long, legspan is almost an inch.

I've been looking up spiders myself, and been thinking about a trapdoor spider -- very interesting and colorful species. It however, is a definite no touch pet, and no way my wife would allow it though. :D
I don't blame your wife... LOL sometimes you just have to draw a line.. Need to count yourself lucky with the mantis... and all the live food.. Hehe

I don't blame your wife... LOL sometimes you just have to draw a line.. Need to count yourself lucky with the mantis... and all the live food.. Hehe
My wife laughed and agreed with you. She said she likes my mantis Susanna, she won't try to hold her but thinks she is neat. Crickets are necessary, so she'll deal with it, but absolutely no spiders. :D

Back in September my husband and I went to his parents place in Bristol. After a little while I got up and started walking around the back yard. As I went back to the table outside, I saw something hanging from one of the chairs. It was a really cute and pretty Jumping spider. It had a blue sheen to it. I moved it to a plant so it wouldn't get hurt and as I tried to let it go, It refused to leave. I should have kept it but with a lot of coaxing it finally got off my hand. Everyone there was in shock! Lol!!!

My wife laughed and agreed with you. She said she likes my mantis Susanna, she won't try to hold her but thinks she is neat. Crickets are necessary, so she'll deal with it, but absolutely no spiders. :D
Great minds think alike! Words to live by..

Happy wife... Happy life...

Back in September my husband and I went to his parents place in Bristol. After a little while I got up and started walking around the back yard. As I went back to the table outside, I saw something hanging from one of the chairs. It was a really cute and pretty Jumping spider. It had a blue sheen to it. I moved it to a plant so it wouldn't get hurt and as I tried to let it go, It refused to leave. I should have kept it but with a lot of coaxing it finally got off my hand. Everyone there was in shock! Lol!!!
Funny... so are you saying ... You were afraid of spiders prior to carrying that one around?

Funny... so are you saying ... You were afraid of spiders prior to carrying that one around?
I actually got over my fear of spiders 5 years ago. I started working in a pet store in Georgia and we got in this really cute and small Pink Toe Tarantula. One of my coworkers walked up to me one day and held it out to me. I forced myself to hold it and quickly fell in love. Since then I started picking up other spiders and Tarantulas that I know are docile. Same thing with Roaches. We got in some Death's Dead Cockroaches and I forced myself to handle them. Not afraid of Palmetto Bugs anymore. :)

Good for you... it is a good thing to able to over come your fear.. For myself.. I don't see no reason to over come that one... But I have overcome many other fears and it does give you a sense of empowerment.
