December find of L3 Iris Oratoria won't eat


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[email protected]

Well-known member
Nov 21, 2013
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
I found an L3 iris oratoria 2 days ago IN DECEMBER on a tree stump under a little palm tree.  I've posted about this find in other topics, but I am worried now because this little guy (who somehow survived mid 30 degree temperatures) will not eat the fruit flies. He is scared of them. He survived on those tiny ants outside but they won't stay in a container. If I put him in a smaller container he gets scared too. He did go crazy and drink water I gave to him. So, now I am scared he is dehydrated too.

How do I get him to eat?

If I let him go will he survive? Is it too late? Did I do wrong by catching him? It can still frost here for a couple months.

Thank you

Try the smallest food you can find and try and feed him. Or you can squish a little fruitfly and try and hand feed him. If he is drinking just spray and give him some water until he stops drinking. Enclosures should be 3x the length of the mantis height wise and 2x the length of the mantis width wise. If the mantis is scared in a enclosure that IS the right size, just let him be for a few hours to let him settle down. 

I definitely wouldn’t release him outside... he would probably freeze to death. This sp. needs pretty high temps(above room temp) from what I’ve heard

I haven't had mantids in a couple years.  I am not familiar with springtails. What are they? Do you mean chill the pinheads in the fridge to slow them down?

@[email protected] Springtails are a tiny arthropods that live in soil. See here for details and to get some. Besides their use as a possible feeder, they work great at keeping tanks clean of mantid frass, feeder remains, etc.
