Dedicated Caresheets? (Brainstorming)


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Dec 10, 2004
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The idea here is to offer species specific information for every mantis in culture that can be searched without having to wade through mounds of banter. Each species will have one thread. If a new thread is made for a species already listed it will be deleted without prejudice as soon as it is noticed. Modifications and additions to present caresheets are very welcome but DO NOT post discussion or comments. Warn points will be assigned for any unrelated discussion. PLEASE do not make it necessary to lock every thread. Limited photos are welcome. Please only post your own experiences. Please do not post a caresheet for a species you haven't kept at least through a second generation.

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Say a certain caresheet stated that a certain sp flourished with a certain husbandry factor, while from personal, I found them to flourish under a different husbandry factor...would this be appropriate comments? (If we raised that sp past a second gen with the different factors)

Personal experience is welcome but there should be zero discussion beyond that necessary for a caresheet. It may be a little difficult to quantify banter but all threads will be locked and submissions will have to be sent by PM if it proves too difficult.

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Can I make a short comment about the species? Or do I have to quantify my experiences into an entire care sheet if I want to say something?

You can request to add content to an existing, locked caresheet thread. The significance of the addition may affect whether we merge your comment into the original, community caresheet (w/o credit) or allow you to post in the thread (retaining credit as author...and increasing your post count by 1 ;) ). This is an evolving concept. Another possibility is that we just have a single community caresheet for each species and the names of contributors would be listed at the top or bottom. In this case, the original sheet creator would be the only person whose name is next to the title of the post (and the only one who has increased their post count by 1, mentioned only for the sake of making the answer complete). You can see that Orin has already created 7 or so caresheets, so his name will be next to those threads in perpetuity.

Really your question Mime454, has prompted me to form the paragraph above and to believe my present opinion is that we should have a single community caresheet with a list of author names. It seems the most community-friendly way to do this. We would, however, have to rely on moderators or other key members who would like to step up for the task of justifying/editing any newly submitted content to the sheets (much like my first sentence in this paragraph could use some work and make me sound less like a robot built on the planet Vulcan...blah!).

So far we only have a few minds working on this task. New ideas are welcome, so don't hold back!

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LoL Peter that is what I was just think when I read all this, that 1 person should be in charge of editing and adding content as it comes in, so that the full care sheet it self is in the first post,

and people that contrubted to the care sheet is listed in the second or third post and have pictures maybe in the second of that species, so its not all scattered in a thread

I have seen that Orin has started a few with a good layout, but I think there needs to be some prey types and maybe some do's and don'ts with each species, and maybe an enclosure needs, sorry just some thoughts

If a caresheet or update contains major grammatical, punctuation, and capitalization errors it will likely be deleted rather than fixed.

another suggestion for the section would be to do a layout like this Example below so everything is not clustered into 1 huge paragraph


Reproduction:Ootheca:Brief Description:
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I was thinking each thread would be somewhat like the consolidated species threads but without banter and off topic chat so there wouldn't be so much junk to sift through but would still represent varying experiences of successful breeders. Also, hopefully there would be minimal debate. Each person may have their own opinion on the optimal prey, temperature, and humidity and not have the entire picture.

One issue I have with all the care sheets at large are the use of ambiguous terms (like it dry, large, moderate). I would much rather see specific ways of how people cared for a species than for someone to speak about a species as a whole, since there are already the general care sheets for that.

One issue I have with all the care sheets at large are the use of ambiguous terms (like it dry, large, moderate). I would much rather see specific ways of how people cared for a species than for someone to speak about a species as a whole, since there are already the general care sheets for that.
i agree!! no more positive adjectives :D

........I think these caresheets need a template to go by, something detailed, and something meant to teach with. Something we feel confortable linking to new hobbyists who have questions about a species. If you want single post breeding journals too so be it but a factual caresheet needs to be at the top of every species thread.

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I found that the care and breeding journals kept by Yen and some members on ukmantis were the most helpful to me. I was planning on keeping one, editing it, then posting it once I had kept a species for a few generations.

I found that the care and breeding journals kept by Yen and some members on ukmantis were the most helpful to me. I was planning on keeping one, editing it, then posting it once I had kept a species for a few generations.
Yes, I often use Yen's journals to this day.

I would do a care sheet on Idolomantis even though we did one already, it is very long and many pages. I've kept them in culture for over 2 years now and think I've mastered most if not every aspect of raising/breeding and incubating the ooths. But on the other hand not many people will be getting them so it may not be necessary to make one?

Any input?
