Delayed Molting Due to Injury


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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2018
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
I seem to be observing this a nymph delaying a molt due to injury, but as my control group is pretty small, and my experience is extremely limited, I figured I'd just ask if others can confirm this.

I would assume this is done due to the extra energy required to heal/regenerate the damaged body part.

One of my ghosts had a leg torn off by one of its broodmates, and seems to be doing ok (still active, still feeding), but has yet to molt, while all 3 of its broodmates in my possession have since molted twice. Definitely a little strange for me to have an L2 nymph not molt for over a month.

Hmm, does it seem healthy otherwise? It is strange for it not to have molted yet. It may be that, as you suggested, the molt is delayed because of the injury, or it could be that the injury allowed bacteria to get in and the ghost is sick. Keep it in a container with good ventilation, and see if it wants some honey-water on a toothpick. Keep me updated!

- MantisGirl13

Unfortunately, this one died last night. After so long still being active and eating I didn't really think it was sick, but I guess it was. Luckily, the other 3 are still doing great, and are happily accepting small houseflies at L4.
