Deli- cups


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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2005
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Does anyone know where I can buy some Deli- cups for my mantids? I tried the website but it says I am blocked from the website I don't see how though. Also I checked my local stoes: Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Food Lion, Dollar stores and Lowes but they still dont have them. If anyone who has bought Deli- cups from flyfarm and they know thier phone number so I can contact them please let me know ( If they do have a phone number. )


Thanks for your help Rick. Nice website I have to say :D

I just ordered 30 of them. Fairly cheap too.


When I order the cups will they already have holes in them for the mantis to breath? If they dont what proper tool would be best to puncture holes small enough for the mantis not to escape and for the mantis to breath?


Makes thing easier and better. Thanks for the site and info Rick :D :wink:

Great link Leah! Made my day. I have been searching for something like that.

No problem. I get a lot of my supplies there, boxes, heat packs, deli cups, gutload containers etc. They could use some improvement in their communication at times, but over all a good place to buy.

Another thanks for that site. That is exactly what I've been looking for also for some time. Good find!


Great websites guys :wink: Okay now all I need is foam stoppers. Where do I get them?


Just simply give it to the animlas outside. Not all Deli-cups comes with potato salad.
