Deroplatys truncata


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My younger brother takes better photos than me now lol. We'll try and stabilize this species in culture here and eventually get them to the States for you guys.

Good evening,

I had two blossomings, of which the last 2 days ago, a hundred youthful.

I have 3 females, I carried out 3 couplings with 3 different males. I noted the penetration during the 3 couplings.

Female n°1 : 2 ooths

Female n°2 : 2 ooths

Female n°3 : 2 ooths

I had blossomings only ooths of the first female. All the ooths were maintained under the same conditions.

After 2 months of incubation, I opened the ooths and they were not fertilized. (4 out of 6)

On the other hand, at home, I distinguish clearly with the eye if the ooth is fertilized or not. With the color, if it is dark, it is fertilized, if it is clear, it do not have it.

I would not make of it a general information, but a personal constation. I advise you, with the sight of your photograph, to remake a coupling, if you can, by precautions!

Bests regards, François!

Very long copulation. I gave male on female around 3 PM. They connected in 5 minutes. And it was lasting and lasting .... up to the evening female consumed 1 subadult Blatta lateralis, 1 medium size cricket and 2 big wax moth caterpillars. After switching ligts off (this species is crepuscular and usually very active when lights are going off) female was running a bit around but they stayed connected.

I gave them into 1 cubic meter terrarium (when male flyes away probability that female meet him again is low) but next day in the morning (still in darkness) they were connected. Just at 8.00 am when is natural light he was away. I hope everything will be OK and ooths will be fertile. Thanks to drizzt for exhanging males with me, my male passed away too early.




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So a terrible tragedy has happened, ants invaded the D.truncata ooth, luckily I managed to save like 3 quarter of the ooth and immediately after reattaching the ooth back to its enclosure, 2 nymphs hatched out and another 2 the next day, So I'm not sure if the rest is coming out, but lets hope these 4 can survive. Anyways another ooth was laid on the 18th, so I guess we'll be waiting on that one.





