Did I tell you about the leeches?


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Dec 28, 2006
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:blink: Last week my son was in the lake taking out cattails and he had been in there for about an hour, when all of a sudden at the laundry room door, I heard him yell, Mom, come get these things off of me! :eek: I knew right away what it probably was, not that we ever seen them before, but I thought to myself, what else could it be, and sure enough the cowboy was dripping with leeches! He said he never felt them attach theirselves to him, but boy u could tell he felt them come off! I did not know to use salt, so i just got by trusty ever handy small needle nose plyers I keep close to me and started pulling....Yuck! They didn't want to let go, it was awful and no before u ask, I did not feed them to my babies! I got about a dozen off of him and told him to go get in the shower to check out where I wasnt able to see and in there he said one was on his.... pair! haha, he wanted to kill me,,,, but I don't know why, I did not tell him to pull out the cattails, his dad did! Someone told me that they hide in the sludge within the rocks, is why when we swim, we havent had them on us. But gotta tell ya, not swimming any more! Oh, by the way, he left one in my cup half filled with water! Good thing I spotted it before I brushed my teeth!
that must hurt. really your sapposed to burn them but i would not take any chances.

Try spending some time in the jungle. Leeches six inches long.
