Dieball's mantids


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Creobroter gemmatus:





They are getting bigger, altough from the original 7ones, only 3 stays alive. 

I've just finished my group enclosure for Phyllocrania paradoxa. It's just a lonely pair out there, but hopefully I'll get another two in next two weeks and then I'll just have to wait for the offspring :) The vivarium size is 40x30x35cm - how many adults I could fit there? 


Also, my female is getting green! I really hoped for that :D Also, it proves that the deciding factor is humidity, not the color of enclosure. Mine was entirely brown, but the humidity was even above 70%


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The vivarium size is 40x30x35cm - how many adults I could fit there?
The typical Ghost grows to about 5cm, so given the typical habitat requirements of twice the length of the mantis for width/length of the habitat that is of course 10cm. So in that regard that is 3 mantids for the width (30cm); although, in a communal setup that is 6 adults (30cm divided by 5cm).

I would say you could go safely to eight to ten adults (with room to avoid cannibalism, which can occur with any species) with the ample length and height. :) I think though at twelve adults or more it is getting too crowded and may lead to problems.

Thank you @CosbyArt. I think, that during earlier instars I could keep a whole litter in there (after the parents are gone) and later, when they are nearing adulthood, sell the excess and keep 10 of the nicer coloured ones. That will be a really nice sight :)

Thank you @CosbyArt. I think, that during earlier instars I could keep a whole litter in there (after the parents are gone) and later, when they are nearing adulthood, sell the excess and keep 10 of the nicer coloured ones. That will be a really nice sight :)
Indeed many do that, even hatching a ooth in their communal setup, and thin out their numbers by selling if needed. LAME did that with his Ghost ooth, his thread here, and for the 29 gallon tank (76cm long x 30cm wide x 45.7cm high) it was recommended to house 10-15 adult mantids.

It would be a great sight, and I look forward to more photos. :D
