Dirty mantis!


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Likebugs (site changed my name😐)
May 21, 2010
Reaction score
South Florida
I guess that it isn't a problem in the wild because they probably inadvertently get cleaned by brushing against leaves and other things. However my oldest female Chinese mantis got roach juice on her wings the other day and it looks like the juice dried on. Should I go at her with a wet swab or something. I am kind of worried that it will grow mold or something, but I don't know if she will tolerate being bothered with a swab. Does anyone else try to bathe their mantids, other than misting them? I don't usually blast mine with the spray bottle, but I will if it won't do any harm.

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If it's easily removed, I just try and gently scrape it off. If not, I just leave it. If you do bathe them, remember that their "noses" (area for gas exchange) is below their wings. Don't want to suffocate them.

I don't think it will cause any problems. I've had to clean up my S.Lineola twice, but I've never had to with the rest. She had some debris on her eye and somehow got poo on the bottom of her wings. I just gently wiped her down with a damp cotton bud. If it's all dried up, it could take a while to get off.

I was afraid I would drown her if I sprayed the area that is dirty. It would probably soak her abdomen. I got some off with my fingernail, but for the most part there is a stain on the green stripe on her wing. I will try a swab because she didn't mind me touching her at all. Some of my Chinese are funny about trying to eat things that are not food, like fingers, paper towels, hemostats, and silk plants. They do it by accident thinking that it is food if it moves, or is near food. I could just imagine what cotton fibers would do to their digestive system. :unsure: I thought that it would be safer to try with the finger first, at least it is meat. :lol:

Dont want no poo under me nails! I would spray with really warm water, like she was in the rain, which brings me to a song.... :lol:

Singing in the rain, I'm singing in the rain, I'm happy again......... :D ..... :D come on,,,follow the bouncing ball.... :lol:
