Do I need a permit to sell mantids?


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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2020
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I want to eventually make a mantis shop like many others have done in the US. How are they able to do it? Do they have permits?

Also, do places like MantidKingdoms, Usmantis, etc have permits? I doubt all places have permits and I feel like no one will care if I start a small mantis business selling exotics.

Probably nobody will care or notice as long as you don't label the outside of the box while shipping. PM me if I can help in any way while you start your site.

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Also, do places like MantidKingdoms, Usmantis, etc have permits? I doubt all places have permits and I feel like no one will care if I start a small mantis business selling exotics.
If the site sells exotic mantis species to people who do not hold valid PPQ 526 permits, then they are selling mantids illegally. I used to have some exotics that I obtained from these vendors (e.g. the Pseudocreobotra ocellata in my profile picture), and talking to one of them, it appears there are varying answers given by USDA officials on their legality. That being said, the senior entomologists in DC, who have the regulatory authority to say so, have said it is illegal to own any exotic mantis in the US without the proper PPQ 526 permit. I personally donated all my exotics to a museum and sought permits (I still cannot get the permits for exotic mantids), but it is up to you if you risk selling mantids illegally. I believe it is the USDA's job to track vendors down themselves, so unless people are selling something that could cause an environmental disaster (e.g. giant African land snails), I do not think it is right to report people. 


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