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Reading another post, got to thinking about mantis babies playing like kittens? What do you think? Do they play like kittens or puppies playing with a string or ball when they are grabbing another mantis?
Learning is seen in many taxa.Mantises and cockroaches might remember or learn. I have had an adult male Chinese Mantis that mismolted and its front legs were bad and could barely grab. I kept hand feeding it. It's personality was aggressive so it was probably not too bad off just bad limbs and wings. After a while it started eating the food that it dropped on the ground by bending down so it could bite and eat the dead bugs guts. Then I did not even have to put the food to its mouth and when I put the food on the ground in front of him then he would imediately bend down and eat. I have a young female cockroach that I caught outside a few months ago (Probably Ischnoptera deropeltiformis, but could be Parcoblatta bolliana). She stays inside the same rolled up leaf in her little cup like container. There are several other leaves in the container. The other Parcoblatta that share the container sometimes are in that leaf but usually are in other leaves or underneath other leaves. When I move her out of the leaf to look at her or whatever she is back in the leaf when I check on her the next day or few days later, I have done that several times and she comes back always. I think she has gotten used to that leaf.
Guess I am not proving anything then LOL. It is already known that insects learn.Learning is seen in many taxa.