Do you like tarantulas?


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Tarantulas are the best. No way are they harder to keep tham mantids.

The mortality rate in mantids is astounding compared to spiders. I work on 85% min survival in spiders. More like 85% mortality in mantids.

At one point I had around 5000 spiders, quite time consuming but dead easy.

The Africans are the best. Something nasty and fast- great. No humidity problems and no nasty hairs every time you spray them with water.

Just started building my spider collection up again ( I had to get rid of everything a few years ago).

So far I have 15 spiders, 12 scorpions and around 50 mantids.

Tarantulas are just all-round more hardy in general. I've kept tarantulas on and off for as long as i've kept mantids and I find that tarantulas are just built for surviving. It's quite hard to explain as a 'definate reason', but like I say, they just seem to tolerate captivity at least a little better than our beloved mantids.


I think he was just pointing out that scorpions are arachnids, in view of the 'arachnids AND scorpions statement previously...

Although just to add a little spice to it all, there is research at the moment which may reclassify scorpions out of the arachnid group.. Groovy :)

mantids are much easier to keep than T's
Why or how? Just curious as to the reason behind your opinion....not trying to start a fight or anything.
No problem, its understandable that people would want to know how

Im told so by my brother, lol, who has bred 1000's of both and been one of the first/only people to breed certain mantis species - think 1 of the first in uk for some T species

generally speaking T's need:

less water/misting

less food

less time

of course no doubt there are exceptions but generally speaking this is why mantids are much easier than T's

T's can go without food for up to a year! Mantids could probablly last only a few weeks/months. This is an example of their "hardiness" in the wild, hope nobody does this in captivity, but I hope it helps back up what I say

I love tarantulas. Especially arborials like Avics and Pokies. Don't have any Ts at the moment though.

mantids are much easier to keep than T's
Why or how? Just curious as to the reason behind your opinion....not trying to start a fight or anything.
No problem, its understandable that people would want to know how

Im told so by my brother, lol, who has bred 1000's of both and been one of the first/only people to breed certain mantis species - think 1 of the first in uk for some T species

generally speaking T's need:

less water/misting

less food

less time

of course no doubt there are exceptions but generally speaking this is why mantids are much easier than T's

T's can go without food for up to a year! Mantids could probablly last only a few weeks/months. This is an example of their "hardiness" in the wild, hope nobody does this in captivity, but I hope it helps back up what I say
I think you wrote it down wrong, I think you meant to say T's are easier than mantids judging from what you wrote.....or am I just reading it wrong?

Generally I'm not huge on tarantulas. They're okay I suppose, the really aggressive species are a little more interesting.

I did, however, just buy a T. blondi. 8)

Kind of a boring animal, completely un-responsive. It just sits in the same place for hours. This specimen also seems to be somewhat docile, but I love her just the same.

I like alot of invertebrates, my collection includes my T. blondi, a small colony of Mombo assassins, phasmids, widow spiders, and of course plenty of mantids. Mantids will always be my favorites.

Centipedes seem somewhat interesting, but since they're hardly ever bred in captivity I can do without them. I refuse to buy animals that are not captive-bred.


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