Do you name your mantises?


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Well-known member
Dec 27, 2017
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
I've noticed quite a few of you name your mantises while others don't. Personally, I don't give mine individual names I just call them by their scientific or common name, depending on what it is then differentiate by sex/color/size in my notes where I keep track of their molts. For example, I have three L4 ghosts that I refer to as my dark brown female ghost, light brown female ghost and green male ghost. 

When I was much younger I used to name every pet I had no matter what it was, even the snails in my fish tanks but now that I'm in my 40s I only name the pets that would recognize they had names. 

I'm curious to see what your ideas are regarding names. If you do name your mantises, what are their names and why did you choose it?

Hi @Predatorhousepet

I don’t have any mantises anymore, and I’ve never had more than 6 at a time. I can see why Breeders don’t name all 200 of their nymphs, but I personally like to name all my Mantids, if I can. I see it as a way to give them individual value. I choose it based in looks, species/Native location, and personality.

i named a female D. desiccata De’Cay, and another female Jakarta. I also had limbata Mantids named Diego and Catalina. Most recently I had a giant female who ate her mate, and so I named her Biollante.

Not only do mine get names but any around during Christmas get their names glittered onto stockings.

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Can't name all 50 to 300 mantids on the ranch , I do always have favorites .  ''Greeny'' is one  , there is a ''Leaper '' , ''Flyer '' and others named particular to their personalities or attributes . The rest are just the ''Choir '' ............... S

I name mine, but I'm sure that if I were hatching ooths or breeding, I wouldn't bother to name them all.  I only keep a handful at a time though so that I can focus more on each one and give them names.

I have a love for all my mantids even if they are unnamed , when one in the group has a mismoult I struggle with that one the same as a named favorite . Rite now I have one L5 nymph remaining from a whole ooth hatch and it doesn't have a name ........... S

Most of mine have names but I'm struggling with my gongy males, so far only one out of 3 has a name and it's Peg leg, with the others I just go by their colours :)  

Nah, still haven't changed since last I responded to this question. See many other responses from past discussions... :)

I have 1 mantis (first) and I have have named her. think I would have a few more they would get their own names too. for me they are pets.

I name a lot of my mantises but I tend to only name the females and maybe one or two special males. This is mostly an emotional protection for me in case any mating murders occur and because the males tend to live shorter lives. Males usually 'earn' their name after they have successfully mated once or twice and are retried from that dangerous business :p  Females earn their names when they hit subadult.

The 8 foot plywood cutout I have for my bug shows is Manny but the only name any of my live mantids have ever had was Kamacuras.

I didn't name any of my mantids unless something about me struck them. I had one L1 who had hardened with a crook in his neck area so I named him Quasimodo. He was my favorite and was pretty mellow. I would feed him water droplets on my hand. Unfortunately he became stuck in his molt and I had to freeze him. It was pretty upsetting as I had become ridiculously attached to him in the four weeks we had him.

We now have a wild caught European we named Jack because I was watching a youtuber named Jacksepticeye and the mantis was very into the monitor lol He kept watching it and swiveling his head back to it if the youtuber shouted (which happens a lot).

I named my first Mr. Twig (South Park reference), until I learned that he was actually a she. She became known as Twiggy. ? Now I just call them by their scientific names. It's easier for me to remember for some reason. When I have more than one of a species I number them, H. membranacea #1 #2, but I still have my favorites. 

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I name my favorites, if i were to breed, no. Only the ones I keep. 

Chinese Mantids:

So I have, Galaxy (green adult male), Yulee (female youngest sub adult) Liza (female adult).

I always name my male mantids Earl followed my numbers since a friend of mine tells me to. Right now, I have an Earl the 2nd. Earl the first was around back in the 2013 days. 


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