Oh boy... now I feel really embarrassed and rather silly. We just bought this house last year, and I hardly ever went in the spare bedroom that much before I made it into a bug room. But since I did, almost every inch of wall space has been taken by shelves, humidifier, feeder tubs, etc. I went in there looking around to plan where to put the T.V., and suddenly realized we don't have a cable outlet in there!
Well... unless I have a cable guy come out and put one in, I guess I really don't need one in there anyway. B) I do already have
plenty to keep me busy! I might never come out if I had a T.V., lol.
Nice to know if I do though, that I shouldn't have to worry about the humidity. Thank you everyone for the answers. Might just help me later, rather than sooner. And yes, Paul... if I ever do decide to arrange it, I'll be sure to keep in mind to be very careful! :lol: LOL