Does your Mantid eat raw mean?


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Active member
Aug 20, 2011
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Wondering if this would be a good idea to introduce to the mantid every now and then:

That is, if they actually eat it like this one does.

I wouldn't do it unless there is some sort of emergency, like running out of feeders and not being able to catch anything. I have let a couple of Carolina mantids have a taste of cooked, unseasoned chicken but they only took a bite or two before discarding it. :mellow:

I don't think that it would kill them or anything, but raw meat can grow bacteria that can possibly make you or your family sick, if you handle your mantid. I just don't think it is sanitary. ;)

Insects are the best food for them, but I have fed a few mantids honey or banana as a treat. It is not natural, but amusing and fun every once in a while. :p

Thanks for the advice. I keep meat constantly in my fridge for my own eating. I might tear off a chunk and see what the mantid does. Wouldn't be on a regular schedule, but it can't be that bad for them as long as it's fresh. May even make them even bigger! :)

I'm cringing at the typo in the header in this thread. Ugh!!! That is what I get for making a thread at 7:00am.

Thanks for the advice. I keep meat constantly in my fridge for my own eating. I might tear off a chunk and see what the mantid does. Wouldn't be on a regular schedule, but it can't be that bad for them as long as it's fresh. May even make them even bigger! :)

I'm cringing at the typo in the header in this thread. Ugh!!! That is what I get for making a thread at 7:00am.
You may be able to ask a moderator to edit it for you.

I know how you feel, I have a hard time looking at my typos, and other embarrassing mistakes. Notice all of my edited posts? ;) It doesn't matter what time of day it is when I am typing. :lol:

I just did it again. <_<

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I dont think I would do it.

The meat you buy in the store has all sorts of aditives and coloring (some of it isnt even good for us!!)

A human can handle it, but a small animal, may not be to good.

Thant's just my opinion anyway.

I wouldn't do it unless there is some sort of emergency, like running out of feeders and not being able to catch anything. I have let a couple of Carolina mantids have a taste of cooked, unseasoned chicken but they only took a bite or two before discarding it. :mellow:

I don't think that it would kill them or anything, but raw meat can grow bacteria that can possibly make you or your family sick, if you handle your mantid. I just don't think it is sanitary. ;)

Insects are the best food for them, but I have fed a few mantids honey or banana as a treat. It is not natural, but amusing and fun every once in a while. :p
I have heard of others doing this too.

Do you smash up the banana with the honey into a paste and feed them with a toothpick?

Would like 3L nymphs eat it? I think they are about 3L!? one is almost 1'' long, other 2 are smaller,

but they are a naturaly smaller species.

Wait a second...... I'm having rice and beans for dinner, and your mantis gets fillet migon tartar!!!???? <_<

I have heard of others doing this too.

Do you smash up the banana with the honey into a paste and feed them with a toothpick?

Would like 3L nymphs eat it? I think they are about 3L!? one is almost 1'' long, other 2 are smaller,

but they are a naturaly smaller species.
Really, I have only let a few mantids try the sweets, a couple of times. It is not a regular thing, just something that I tried a couple of times when keeping mantids was brand new to me. :mellow:

You don't have to mix or do anything special to the banana or honey.

I don't think that a mantids instar would matter, they will eat it if they like it. I have never given more than a little taste, it probably wouldn't make a healthy meal for them.

It would be much better to feed banana or honey to the feeder insect before giving it to the mantids. When I feed sweet fruit to my roaches, and then feed the roaches to the mantids, they don't get dessert until they eat some dinner. :D They don't have a choice, they must eat through the feeder to get to the sweet filling. :lol:

They will eat it. But do you really want to feed steak to a mantis? Stick to insects.

When it comes to the "unnatural" treat, Mine are vegetarian and LOVE passion fruit.

