Just wondering is a Dragonfly an aquatic insect? I head it isn't, but the females lay her eggs in water. The nymphs hatch out of water and soon leave the water after a couple of days and start to fly with other bugs. So a Dragonfly is still considered a aquatic insect right? When I catch Dragonfly's they become lunch to my mantids
Sometimes I catch one's as big as your index finger :shock: But to make sure that the Dragonfly doen't harm my mantids I cut off the mouth parts. I heard that adults can inflect some pain
when bitten ( adults can only bite though. )
Just wondering is a Dragonfly an aquatic insect? I head it isn't, but the females lay her eggs in water. The nymphs hatch out of water and soon leave the water after a couple of days and start to fly with other bugs. So a Dragonfly is still considered a aquatic insect right? When I catch Dragonfly's they become lunch to my mantids