Real ADD s much rarer than diagnosed. Everyone has an excuse these days and ADD is an easy excuse. I'm an adult and have dealt with it all my life, and did it without drugs. It takes a lot of effort to learn how to cope with it, and it's not easy. Being lazy/ uninterested/ unmotivated isn't the same.
<<< ADHD, i take stratera for it, 30 milligram tablet every day
When I am off it one day every one i know notices, and always asks if i took my meds and its kind of embarassing, cause they say it in a tone as if they are thinking, "god ur being annoying, therefore you didnt take your meds."
I wanna see how they handle having it. When i dont take it, it can impair with my memory (harder to remember what i learned in class), i can barely concentrate, and i am emotionily unstable in the sense that i am very very sensitive and its kind of embarrassing as i am a guy.
Therefore i try to take it every night
EDIT: Oh and it infuriates me when my friends are like, " i swear i have add, completely forgot to do my homework", or even better, "i am so add, forgot to do that and wasnt even paying attention in class!" -__-
I swear all my friends think they have it, i try telling them they are just being dumb and using excuses to take blame off themselves but they say they think they have ADD.
I think that it's not that more people have it these days, its just that people are saying they do because its easier to blame your issues on ADD than to say, "i am not forcing myself to try harder."