Dropping of food due to hydration problems


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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2011
Reaction score
La Canada, California
So my female H. majuscula would pick up food then drop it a second later. I misted her directly and she flattened out and started drinking the water. That was yesterday and today I put a waxworm infront of her and she ate it! I dont know if this has already been established in the hobby but still. Its kinda a relief. ;)

Oh and my males wing buds are swollen looking (I am bad at telling for sure so its just a guess because he stopped eating)

my male molted just a few hours ago. I caught it all on camera. I didn't sleep. now I'm off for work.


Well mine caught a wax worm that was meant for my ghost but he crept over there and stole it. So I guess this is like 5th time I thought my mantises wingbuds were swollen but they werent

The first time i saw one of my mantids drink water i freaked out because i didn't know what it was doing. I just saw it do a face plant and stay that way for a minute. I never saw my budwing drink water so this was kinda foreign to me. But now i think it is the cutest thing ever when they drink water.

it is sweet, I know, I know, Rick things things are strange here, but he must remember when I wrote how I thought they were reverencing God when they bent down to drink as it always touches my heart strings! Member Rick?

That is something I state over and over again, when starting to eat and dropping it, they are looking FOR WATER
every other day I get all my matids wet so they can drink by licking from their raptors. but there are always the thirsty ones who do the face plant.


For me, it is always hard to tell if the buds are swollen, due to my *wishful thinking*!

However, I have also noticed that the buds look sorta discolored.
