Dumb question about bulbs


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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2011
Reaction score
Lewisville, Tx
right now im using the exo terra day light bulbs, one 25w one in the exo terra light fixture for above the cage, and I also have a 60w one in a heat lamp hanging above the cage.

what kind of bulbs does everyone use for their setups?

Ive always stayed away from the infared bulbs becuase I wasnt sure how they did with the mantids...infared good or bad?

Never used anything except a plain ole fluorescent strip bulb or nothing at all.

I am currently using a single infrared bulb (guessing it's a 75W or 100W) to heat an 18x18x24 Exo-Terra terrarium and it works pretty well. I use a 150W ceramic heat emitter to heat the general area of my mantid desk, including pots/cups of various sizes and a couple of netcubes (you can search for threads I've started and find a picture of my setup if you're curious).

If I buy another bulb, it would probably be another ceramic heat emitter as it would give me the capability to easily sustain ~90-100F temps if desired (e.g. mating tropical species).

I use an 50w infrared bulb and it seems to heat up the enclosure quite well. It hasn't seemed to affect the mantis negatively. I use it on the side of the enclosure and keep it on all the time. move it a little further away at night to bring down the temp. I use a regular bulb on top and turn it on in the day just to imitate daytime.

well this honestly is more of a question for a friend, my setup is ok, but was jsut wondering for him, he was asking about infared and I couldnt answer his question. thanks for all the info so far everyone!

its for an idolo

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what is everyone experience with the heating matts? do they work well? in combo with a small wattage bulb? its just for a 12x12x18 exo terra

heat mads are not worth the money for mantids. they are good for herps though :)

I use the SunGlo heat bulbs for heat and light during the day, since I don't want to keep my bugs near the windows especially in the winter. It's drafty.

I have all my mantids on Bean Farm's Ultratherm UTH's (under tank heaters) and only have one 50W basking


These heating matts from Bean Farm are the only ones I have ever had any luck with, most are just trash.

I regulate them with a lamp dimmer switch and a laser point thermometer.

And yes, they are very effective for mantids, unless you stack your net cubes.

Only the bottom will keep warm. Then you can use a bulb and fixture for the top cube.
