Embarrasing Mantis Question...


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Joe Caruso

I am interested in purchasing a mantis, but am a little apprehensive about feeding it.

I know it sounds weird, but I'd feel a little funny about tossing a live cricket to a mantis knowing it was about to be eaten.

However, all the sites I've checked out say Mantises will only eat live food.

So, my question is, would it work if I bought dried insects and lowered them in with a pair of tweezers or something? Moved them around so making them look to the mantis like they are alive?

And before you mention it, yes, I know how hypocritical it that I don't want to use insects as live food but are perfectly ok with them being killed and freeze dried by others first.

And yes, I am perfectly prepared to accept that maybe I am 'missing the point' as to what being a mantis owner is all about.

But I feel the way I feel, and would appreciate frank, honest replies.

It may work on some of the more agressive species like chinese mantis (never tried it mind you) but mantis do get alot of water from their food so maybe dried won't be suitable. You'd probably have to feed freshly frozen which you'll have to do yourself I'm afraid.

How about giving them flies. Better for the mantis and don't seem to envoke any feelings of guilt in me at least.

I felt the same way you do when I started keeping mantids but one you get past the first few feeds you it's fascinating to watch and it gets rather enjoyable too mwahahaha!!!!!!!

nah, i dont think u can use dried insects. african and chinese mantids

might go for it with them being so aggressive. but it be boring if u did feed them dried food.

half the excitment of having a mantis is too watch them hunt. :D is it that u feel sorry for the crickets?

nah, i dont think u can use dried insects. african and chinese mantidsmight go for it with them being so aggressive. but it be boring if u did feed them dried food.

half the excitment of having a mantis is too watch them hunt. :D is it that u feel sorry for the crickets?
That's basically it. I mean, regardless of how primitive crickets are, they're still alive and I'd be throwing them to their doom. Again, the irony of the fact that I'd be perfectly happy chucking them crickets killed en mass by others is not lost on me. I guess I'm just looking for the least emotionally trying method.

Point taken regarding the moisture that the mantids get from live food, but couldn't this be gotten around by keeping a water dish in the enclosure?

if your cant handle feeding live food to mantids this hobbie isnt for you.

The water dish won't work. A mantid will get all its water from dinner and drinking from drops on the surface. You will need to mist the tank every day. Even more often if your bugs are kept in a room with relatively low humidity. That is a problem here in the desert.

You might be able to hand feed your mantid. But keep in mind that a mantis is a predator. Nature designed it to tackle live pray.

I'd be worried about the potential health problems of eating a diet of dried crickets. Can't help but imagine that like so many other cooking processes vital nutrients are lost. Also like mentioned, they get a lot of water from their food. Instead of focusing on their demise, how about trying to give your feeder insects the best life possible before feeding them?

If it really bothers you, then perhaps you would have more fun raising a vegan insect like a walking stick.

Thanks for all the replies.

So I guess that possibly matis owning is not for me, (which sucks because I really wanted one).

If the mantis would suffer from not being provided with live food then by definition it would be cruel to bring it into that kind of environment, and therefore something I wouldn't be prepared to do.

Oh well...I'm off to 'domesticated-hyenas-forum.com' to check out some other pet-owning option...

Find a different hobby. Maybe phasmids are for you.

lol, its the way of life. i wouldnt feed them butterflies, then id feel cruel
Lol butterflies have always been a big hit among my mantises. Must admit though I don't look at butterflies the same way. Now when I see one innocently fluttering around I always think, OMG MANTIS FASTFOOD!I find feeding wild insects less cruel then feeding captured, store bought feeder ones. At least the wild ones had a chance to escape me. Always wonder what my neighbors would think though if they knew when I was running around with my net chasing pretty butterflies that I am catching them to for mantis chow. Still I suppose that is less creepy then me sticking pins in them for display on my wall like some collectors. :lol:

Dont feel bad. Dying in the mandibles of a mantis is the greatest honor an insect can ever achieve. Crickets and moths and flies grow up on stories of the brave heroes of their kind that gave themselves to the highest order of insects known as the mantids. Young crickets dream of someday falling prey to the bug gods that we so proudly keep and breed. Trust me... they enjoy it. Really.

Dont feel bad. Dying in the mandibles of a mantis is the greatest honor an insect can ever achieve. Crickets and moths and flies grow up on stories of the brave heroes of their kind that gave themselves to the highest order of insects known as the mantids. Young crickets dream of someday falling prey to the bug gods that we so proudly keep and breed. Trust me... they enjoy it. Really.
You're slightly weird. I mean 'dungeons & dragons' weird.
