Excelsior substitue?


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Well-known member
Apr 1, 2013
Reaction score
South Ontario California. Pretty much on the Chino
So I did my first attempt at a culture of ffs. I did not have any proper excelsior so I used some uncooked fettucini noodle that were really wavy and curly. Anyone think I will run into any problems with this? It looks like there is more than enough area for breeding and larvae.

Coffee filters gets the nod. Heavy cardbroard strips is a good 2nd, anything non-toxic that will hold up to moisture and gives a multi climbing surface.

fold in half then again (quartered) stick the point in the media, use 2 or 3 and it will mosty fill a 32oz deli.

You can also use tolit paper roll that holds the paper. Even an orange peel will work, also use some mashed potatoes with a spoon of vinegar for the medium with a spoon of sugar or honey if you have it, a noodle wont' do.

You can also use tolit paper roll that holds the paper. Even an orange peel will work, also use some mashed potatoes with a spoon of vinegar for the medium with a spoon of sugar or honey if you have it, a noodle wont' do.
Even though there is an huge area for mating/egg laying/whatever it is that they do?

Have you cked out my post on making the fruit fly cultures? You would use about 1/2 cup mashed potatoes, (instant is fine) and add the other items to it, also will need a few grains of regular yeast to add to mixture. Then add the flies and u will have plenty.

What the heck! still didn't well it is on page 21 under the Bugatorium post. have to put that in search bar and look for Bugatorium then go to page 21. must rest now.... :sleeping:

Have you cked out my post on making the fruit fly cultures? You would use about 1/2 cup mashed potatoes, (instant is fine) and add the other items to it, also will need a few grains of regular yeast to add to mixture. Then add the flies and u will have plenty.
I have the culture media, I was just trying to find out if using uncooked noodles would be fine for the flies to walk on and such.

I have the culture media, I was just trying to find out if using uncooked noodles would be fine for the flies to walk on and such.
It shouldn't hurt anything on its own, but keep an eye out for mold.
