Fact or Fiction???


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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2006
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Would a mantis really eat and eat until it puts its life in danger, or do they have a limit when they are full and wont eat any more?

In my experience it is fiction. I have even tried to make one eat itself to death and it stopped once it got really full.

Ok thanks for the info. So if i fed a female loads before breeding the chances are it wouldnt be dangerous for her and she would ignore the male as she would be completely full.

Not always. I generally don't have any issues with the females eating my males. I let them out for mating usually. I stand by while the male mounts as that is when she will try to grab him. Some females don't even hardly notice when he jumps on.

In my experience it is fiction. I have even tried to make one eat itself to death and it stopped once it got really full.
lol i thought i was the only one who was demented enough to try this experiment. but instead of trying it on a mantis, i was trying to see how fat i could get my garden spider. i was able to get it disgustingly fat, but something in my schedule would always inevitably pop up to interfere and then a week would pass or and then i'd have to start over. :(

i kinda wanna do it again haha.

I never had any fatal incident from mantis over-eating. I believed most of the time disease is the cause of a bloating abdomen to have secretion between the segment which resemble a popping abdomen from overeating.
