Fat Mantis


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Active member
Jun 22, 2008
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I have read on this forum that the female mantis will lay unfertilised ooths and I think my mantis my be about to lay one. The size of her abdomen has rapidly increased in size over the past week. What I want to know is should I continue feeding her as normal, am a bit worried as am afriad she might explode :mellow: Is there anything that I should know about the laying of the ooth? Thanks

Completly the opposite feed her daily, pregnant females need to be regularly fed and have quite an appetite, when she is completly full up her abdomen segments would be "blown up" i suppose

HMMM, Im not sure. Im just ofering my opinion: Try to feed her just a tiny bit less.
Mantis Dude: I know your intentions were good, but when a question is asked regarding an issue that involves the health and safety of someone's mantis, if you don't know the answer it's best not to just guess.

(I feel like a bit of an ***hole now but I think it needed to be said.)

Mantis Dude: I know your intentions were good, but when a question is asked regarding an issue that involves the health and safety of someone's mantis, if you don't know the answer it's best not to just guess. (I feel like a bit of an ***hole now but I think it needed to be said.)
thats true no offense but if you dont really know the answer or solution in a serious topic

??? I don't think anyone here read the question properly.

If she has not been mated and you don't want an ootheca yet, then quite simply, don't feed her ;)

Mantids can go days without food, so long as they are not too thin. Keep her plump but not so that the segments seperate from one another.

Even though she has not been fertilised?
I would suggest dropping the feeding to every other or two days. If your not worried about breeding, having giant Ooths pumped out as quickly as possible isn't something you need. I have found feeding the females a lighter diet keeps them a lighter weight and they intern go longer in between ooths and lay smaller ones. This intern I have found to be far easier on the females bodies, especially later on in life when they start to weaken.Besides, as Rob Byatt stated mantises are designed to be able to go days without food and being they don't have people feeding them regularly out in the wild, a varied lengths of times between feedings is probably far more natural.

I would suggest dropping the feeding to every other or two days. If your not worried about breeding, having giant Ooths pumped out as quickly as possible isn't something you need. I have found feeding the females a lighter diet keeps them a lighter weight and they intern go longer in between ooths and lay smaller ones. This intern I have found to be far easier on the females bodies, especially later on in life when they start to weaken.Besides, as Rob Byatt stated mantises are designed to be able to go days without food and being they don't have people feeding them regularly out in the wild, a varied lengths of times between feedings is probably far more natural.
I would like to congratulate you for being the best and most detailed poster on this forum! :D You awnser questions so well! :)

I think that in order to correctly assess the situation we should know whether or not Libertine is planning to mate the mantis in question. Then Rob's assessment would be correct, but if the mantis is to remain a maiden her entire life, then I assume the mantis is being kept as a pet rather than an ooth machine, and in that case the mantis should be fed less as well, simply because mantises lifespan is based on a metabolic clock, and the more you feed them the shorter their lifespans are. Slow down their metabolism and they will live longer lives, even if they are a bit on the skinny side. Even if they are only fed weekly, it doesn't hurt one bit .


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