Favorite T


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Well-known member
Sep 12, 2008
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I've been debating whether or not to a Tarantula species, but there are soooo many to choose from. So I'm looking for some other opinions. What is your favorite T? And why? Also what would you recommend? I'm a T virgin, but by no means a novice animal keeper, so it doesn't have to be too easy. But I'd prefer not to kill the animal, so nothing extremely difficult. Also, not very aggressive and/or venomous (kids in the house). And I am a sucker for color :D

I just googled Xenesthis immanis and that is stunning, but there are lots more. Rarity is also not an issue (up to a point of course). I'd rather search longer or pay a bit more for something I REALLY want.

G. aureostriata(Chaco Golden Knee) - the most mellowest T I ever had, has golden stripes on their knees. Super easy to care for, no special needs.

G. rosea (Rose Hair) - The most common tarantula in the hobby. I personally don't like this one, Their colors are dull, but if you're lucky you can get one with a bright pink, shining red carapace. They also go through a fasting period which I don't like. They are probably the most easiest species to keep. If you get this one, you'll end up getting something else.

B. albopilosum (Curly Hair) - Just as easy to care for as the Chaco Golden Knee. These are also a gentle giant, for colors, they are not too exquisite being plain black but they have yellow curly hairs on their abdomen. They CAN flick hair if feel threatened though.

B.smithi (Mexican Red Knee) - Probably the most desired T in the hobby. They can be as gentle as a rosie, but they can be a bit of a hair flicker, harmless non the less. As for color, it has a pattern of red.. well orange and black markings going down their legs. You should look them up. Care may be a bit different from the rest, but it won't be anything difficult.

A. seemani (Stripe Knee) - A really easy to care for tarantula, but it likes to burrow a lot. Well most T's burrow in general, but this one digs for gold. A pretty docile T, but it's very shy at times and likes to run and hide. For color, it sometimes has a blue-ish tint to it, mostly brown or black with tanish stripes on its knees.

A. avicularia & A. versicolor (Pink Toe) - These are arboreal species which means that the need an enclosure with height instead of ground space. They also require more humidity than the ones listed above. These are very docile T's, but can be a little panicky and will fling poop as a defense. They like to create nests by weaving blankets of web in the corner of the enclosure. A. avicularia will most of the time be black and have pink toes. A. versicolor is a very beautiful avic, metallic blue as spiderlings and as they grow up they can sometimes be blue with a greenish tint and a crimson adomen. I'd say you look them up too.

Well there's tons more out there but here are the few basic beginner T's. I must also warn you that every T has it's own personality and mood swings. Even the nicest of G. rosea's can be a reincarnation of the Devil. You have kids so the ones I listed above are great for kids.

Here is one of my personal favorite that I keep. An P. murinus(Usambara Orange Baboon Tarantula) aka OBT. One of the meanest devils the Tarantula hobby can offer, but mine is icey cool. I call him Kamikaze, but friends call him... Satan's Palm.


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Hey, I am kind of partial to the OBTs as my first T was one. He matured and died recently. :( I also love Avics, they are stunning. There are many differnt types so spend some time on this species. They are a little harder to care for as sparky mentioned, they need high humidity and lots of ventaltion, kind of a tricky combo. Green Bottle Blues (Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens) They are also amazing with greens, blues and oranges. Pretty mellow, not that expensive, and relatively easy to care for. They are really good eaters and fast growers. They dont need humidity and basically all you do is feed them and give them water to drink. They also make really cool webs. Some other ones to look into are G. pulchra, They are velvety balck and docile, another is the B. bohemi. They are very pretty and you can handle them. They are big hair kickers though, and eveyone reacts differently to that. They dont need humidity so they are easy to care for as well. They have red legs with a blck butt and red hairs on them. Also, this is kind of not a first time T but just to see it Google P. metallica Gooty Saphire Ornamental. Your jaw will drop. This is the most beautiful T's on earth in my opinion. Very pricey they go upwards of 500 dollars. And they arent the easiest T to care for. Not worth the risk with that kind of money LOL. I hope this helps. If you have any questions please feel free to pm me or just post. We are very expereinced with a wide variety of T's and might be able to help you find one. ;) As for that Xenesthis immanis you were looking at, they are pretty neat. Very cat-like, they will stick their butts up in the air. It is the funniest thing!! They are pretty skiddish, I probably wouldnt reccomend this for a touchy feely pet. They need higher humidity. It is all up to you though!! Do your research ask questions, and read, ALOT! Arachnoboards has a lot of good info. Have fun!!!


It's hard to argue that Brachypelma smithi isn't the true king of the pet tarantulas. Temperament, display and beauty are the major reasons (it sits out in the open, is colorful and bulky and doesn't hide itself in webbing or attack the keeper).

Personally I love Pamphobetes platyomma, they have very sharp contrast in their colors.

Also I love Psalmopoeus cambridgei and Heteroscodra maculata.

If you want to jump headfirst, go with a CB Theraphosa blondi, their colors don't look much in pictures, but up close their burgundy colors cannot be compared to anything.

These species are not handleable by any means, but they are all great display species, in my opinion.


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B. Smithi for there temper even though major hair kickers.

T Blondie for their size

L. Parahybana they eat like garbage trucks

My OBT for his nasty attitude and color

H. Lividium for her nasty attitude and bright blue color. When I flush her out of her hole and finally see her again.

My absolute favorite is definitely Poecilotheria metallica (Gooty Ornamental) Don't have to say much about it, the sheer beauty of them does the speaking. I sadly do not have one myself, I am waiting for the price on them to drop abit lol.

My other favs are Heteroscodra maculata (Ornamental Baboon), Haplopelma lividum (Cobalt Blue), and Avicularia versicolor (Antilles Pinktoe).


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