Feedback Instructions DO NOT post if you have not read instructions.


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Peter Clausen

Well-known member
Mar 20, 2006
Reaction score
Sky Islands, AZ USA
The Breeder Feedback section was created to provide feedback, either positive or negative. This provides an opportunity for prospective buyers to research a seller. And it provides an opportunity to thank good sellers for completed transactions. Mantidforum moderators monitor the feedback threads, but neither the moderators nor the forum owner will be held responsible for any damages, etc. resulting from your use of this section (or your failure to use this section). Like everything on Mantidforum, this is a public forum for our members and visitors to use completely at their own risk.

When adding feedback please follow the rules below.
1. Do not start a new thread if one already exists.

2. Write your feedback post only AFTER you have completed your transaction.
3. Write one (1) post about your experience, good or bad, with the seller. Be as complete or brief as you wish, but try to make it useful to future, potential buyers of this same seller. The feedback threads are not to be used as a forum to "discuss" a transaction! Buyer is allowed one post. And seller is allowed one response, but ONLY in reply to a post they view as negative. Seller response posts that say "You're welcome" to a buyer will be deleted.
4. If you make a additional purchases with a seller, you may write subsequent feedback posts in the seller's feedback listing.
5. Do not mention other buyers or sellers in your post. Discuss only what happened between you and the seller in this one transaction.
6. Individuals attempting to degrade another's reputation through baseless negative posts will be disciplined.7. It is encouraged that you contact a seller about your intentions to write negative feedback, prior to writing it.
8. No off topic posts are allowed in the breeder feedback section. If you do not have feedback on a specific, recent transaction, please use other areas of the forum to raise your topics. Please PM a moderator if you have any questions.

9. Do not start a feedback thread for yourself.

Regarding International Transactions- members should remember:
1. US Import of livestock without permits is not condoned by this forum. Feedback posts by US members which reference, suggest or imply that importation has occurred will be deleted unless you have permits to import the material. You put yourself and the entire hobby at risk when you import illegally. Warning points may be issued for repeat offenders.
2. Oothecae are always a risky purchase when it involves tropical species, slow shipping, cold weather, factors of altitude and low humidity, etc. Don't ever expect wild caught (WC) mantis oothecae to hatch, especially if they are further exposed to factors of overseas shipment and your imperfect incubation practices.
3. Overseas shipment of live animals is always a risk to the animals, even with Express Mail. Heat packs dry contents out and temps. outdoors are always unpredictable (anybody have a recent weather report for temperatures in the sky over the Atlantic Ocean? Is it colder next to the wall of the cargo hold than in the middle of a stack of other boxes?).
4. Language barriers sometimes make it difficult to resolve an issue.
5. It is an industry standard that once healthy animals enter a shipping box, the shipper has done their due diligence. Shippers are not expected to replace animals that spend 2 months in a box due to poor service on the part of the carrier only.

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